can someone summarize the story for me? its been a while and i forgot about the plot

I forgot their names too so I'll refer to them as blondie and brownie:
Part 1:
Both of them were REALLY close friends during highschool, even doing some "crazy" (iykyk) stuff to each other, blondie was really obsessed with brownie and brownie is the same but not like psycho-crazy imma kill ya type. Anyways Blondie's brother, mocha (cuz his hair is mocha colored) got pissed off or had a problem with brownie so he went to his house and threatened brownie to never speak to blondie again (I think) It's sad cuz it was the last day blondie was going to be in Korea because he'll move to another country ( I think ) then maybe a decade or almost a decade, brownie is now a manager for a popular upcoming actor/model, which is coffee (coffee cuz his hair is coffee) coffee likes brownie and brownie doesn't know yet. The company's leader or CEO noticed that coffee was secretly hooking up with someone at some hotel and they were in contact via messaging. so CEO sent brownie to investigate, brownie followed coffee to the hotel using the messages from coffee's phone. Brownie then witnessed coffee kissing someone at the hotel room door, coffee was kissing blondie and brownie was so surprised he left immediately. Unfortunately brownie was caught at the CCTV camera.

Part 2:
Blondie noticed that someone was stalking them at their hotel room so he contacted the hotel CCTV, hotel CCTV showed that brownie was caught on video and blondie founds out, he gets surprised and intrigued, blondie then learns that brownie became coffee's manager, idk exactly why but brownie got fired from being coffee's manager maybe because coffee was caught going to a hotel room with someone (no gender was stated) and coffee got into a scandal so they fired brownie for doing a bad job. As brownie was walking home, he looked at a billboard of his past friend, blondie. Blondie is also a model, then ta-dah! Blondie appears and says hi to brownie, they went to a restaurant and brownie asked why he wanted to meet up with him, blondie asks if brownie can be his manager, but brownie refuses despite offers, he felt awkward working with someone he used and STILL has feelings for that he didn't want feelings for.
( For Brownie's past, his father had debt and was an asshole and he also owned a judo place so brownie did judo up until highschool, blondie also got interested at brownie first because of judo, anyways since Brownie's father had debt, the loanshark people will go to there place, that's where seaweed (seaweed cuz his hair is seaweed color) and brownie got to know each other, basically seaweed and brownie were together since brownie was a kid. Brownie also took anxiety pills for years as a way to deal his trauma with Blondie's brother)
(For Blondie's past, his family never really felt like a family, his brother was the only closest person he had I think he died tho, he resented brownie so much because he disappeared that he couldn't get into contact with him for years
Blondie present: he's a very famous model and he had a secret gay hookup apartment where they do BDSM, drugs and bad stuff)
Shit happens cuz I forgot and brownie becomes Blondie's manager, brownie offers himself to blondie as a alternative to not slut himself out with the BDSM guys, so at this point they are just having sex almost everytime and blondie is quite aggressive when having sex, blondie fantasized about raping brownie when they meet, as a revenge for leaving him. But since brownie offered himself basically it ain't rape (still doesn't justify it tho) blondie gets too excited and nosebleeds while having sex cuz he can't realize how much he is happy with brownie, brownie wakes up from a nightmare and looks for his anxiety pills, blondie wakes up and finds brownie scrambling down to find his pills, he gets curious and asks brownie was it is for, brownie tells him it's to relieve him when something causes him anxiety, blondie gets curious why he feels anxious however doesn't asks and just offers to drive brownie to the hospital for pills.
During this, news spread about blondie hooking up with men and a picture of him with men. Blondie's mom who also has anxiety problems, sees this and goes to the same hospital to get anxiety pills(without knowing blondie and brownie is there) she bumps into brownie and he says sorry, she recognizes him, remembering how her son tortured him so she was gonna go hurry up to him to talk then she sees her son blondie talking with brownie, as they exit, Blondie's mom is seen to be horrified. The boys get into the car and blondie opens his phone, he sees the news about him and doesn't care.
That's all
any recommendations like this?? its so hard to find a good smutty b x g
Have you already read 'summer solstice' of the same author?