This by far has to be THE best imo enemies to lovers IN addition to slow burn. Everything about this is so perfect like the beginning to the very end. I loved the non conventional fl and the obsessive ml.
340 Days
i love this so much though im dissapointed that we didnt get to see ian's mate but overall i loved this
Secret Alliance
This was SUCH a good manga. Initially I despised Yujin but his character development is crazy! I loved him and Sian towards the ending but hated them together first. For some reason I actually wanted Yul to just become a better person and get with Sian. When I realised that, that would be impossible since he's a literally psycho I just wished he'd get someone else but (according to the story) he's too traumatised to even like someone now. At some point I didn't want her to end up with ANYONE and just move on from the both of them and date someone else but ykw guys, Yujin is the BEST option for her.
I also love the way this manga portrays what obsession can do to a person. It was love which later turned into infatuation. Sian still cared about Yul, just not in the way he thought she did.
Loved this manga :)
When the Killer Falls in Love