Damn I’m so conflicted in this cause I understand both but I’m more on Deku’s side in this one while it’s true that he needs time to rest and heal I don’t agree putting the other kids at risk when OFA is still on loose and please the cliche ‘the power of friendship’ plot again lmao i mean this is the most character development Deku had i just hope Horikoshi wouldn’t take that away.

FL should get her shit together either she reject him or accept him it’s literally just that simple. I get that she might be confused to her feelings or whatever the fuck is happening to her but leading on someone and ghosting them after is the most cruel thing you could do when you know to yourself they have feelings for you.
The art is gorgeous but the plot and especially the MC haven’t really caught my attention yet she gives off a ‘Im not particularly a damsel in distress but I always got saved by the ML’ vibes.