Hate me all you want but....Hanjun and Eunho knew what they were signing themselves up for since... Jaeha made it clear as day that he had extra baggage imo.

you're absolutely right, every jaeha haters argument is that hes a slut but they forget that he made it 100% clear to hanjun that they were never a thing, the pics that hyesun (?) found were from before he met her so he never cheated and eunho knew that jaeha slept with men and women before they were together so what makes him a slut

i mean i don't necessarily think wrong is the right word because he did put all his cards on the table and they knew what they were getting into. he cant help the fact that they ended up hurt since they knew what kind of person he was and still decided to pursue him. they did get hurt but he didnt intend to hurt them so i dont think he can be "wrong" for doing something that wasnt his intention. he can be sorry tho !

You guys can't complain about Jaeha's behaviour if you simultaneously support characters like Jaekyung (jinx), Caesar (champagne and roses), Taeju (waterside night), Seungho (painter of the night) or Ilay (passion). That kind of biasness is straight up illogical. The intense slut shaming towards Jaeha is actually confusing like where was this energy when Taeju SAed the bottom or when Caesar shot his partner. Bffr.

Why are people complaining about them being sexually active when they're both consenting teenagers and they do talk about contraceptive methods in the manga. I come from a very religious and conservative town and 15 -17 year olds do engage in sexual relationships and as long as they practice safe sex then I don't see the point in shaming them. If you never experienced that, good for you but don't expect that for everyone else. (Also if you read highschool yaoi with explicit scenes and enjoy it while complaining about this one maybe you're the problem).....

Am I the only one who feels like people give jaeha a lot of shit because he's a bottom. Like multiple tops in other bl stories have made even more horrible decisions and yet people forgive them or just brush over their actions. But here people slut shame jaeha and blame him for literally everything. Perhaps they can't fathom a bottom for being selfish or cold hearted because it's a 'tops thing' not a 'bottoms thing'. Just an interesting thought

You know when this manhwa was ongoing years ago, nobody blamed jaeha for his actions neither i did most of new readers don't know what emotional ties actually means , according to jaeha Eunho is straight and young may be he can be with a girl since eunho's family supported him and only people in jaeha life is eunho family his mother was supportive of him more than his own mom how could he think of ruining her child's life by making him going through same miserable life of gay he been through seriously current readers slut shame jaeha is one of most disappointing thing I can experience with new readers .

I completely agree with everything you said and I also feel like new readers simply misunderstood the series? They view Eunho as a saint (he was also somewhat toxic from the start) and I feel like it's because his love is unrequited and he's a 'victim' in this relationship hence they defend him and completely overlook his actions and when it comes to the whole theme and moral of the story they overlooked that too. Tbh anyone who shames Jaeha without trying to understand his character speaks volumes of their own ideals and personality....

From my pov , eunho was innocent boy with pure intention but his actions of forcing his own love on jaeha was somewhat slightest toxic but not that much back then like how usually semes used to blackmail or rape uke's for having their own way so according to that time eunho was one of the most greenest flag you can consider , jaeha was not wrong his circumstances also define his behaviour for him eunho can lead a happy and society based life (straight marriage ) than dragging himself into jaeha world (that is dark and different from society) author did great work on showing how much lives of gay people work in aisan society for me back then it was first time considering characters not sex maniac but people with emotions and realistic touch.. jaeha or not eunho is wrong people just wanna take side to defile another character.

Thank youuuu this story was actually quite realistic and humanistic in a sense that all the characters were flawed in some way because ofc at the end of the day they're just people. Readers however wanted someone to blame for all the frustrations that they experienced reading this. But I would argue that EVERYONE in this story was flawed. Eunho was a textbook 'love bomber' and people don't realise that it's a red flag. Also Eunho was not innocent at all....he got rejected multiple times in the past (it's safe to say that jaeha tried his best not to lead him on prior to his divorce ofc) and yet he continued to overwhelm jaeha by forcing his love on him completely disrespecting jaeha's boundaries in the process, and even shamed jaeha multiple times when things didn't go his way. Honestly anyone who's dated a love bomber would understand how suffocating people like Eunho can be (speaking from experience). But once again I believe that all the characters were flawed however they all underwent major character growth.

I respect your opinion on eunho part but for me he was not big red flag he was young boy just wanted to love a guy 8 years older than him age differences and sexual preferences boundrying both of them, if it's opposite that jaeha going after eunho situation would have become worst since he is pursuing a young boy if author didn't made him desperate and pushy guy most readers wouldn't have accepted their relationship in the first place. As jaeha already broken in life people like eunho come as saviour, either way gay are relationship is pretty complicated not easy as west made as adulting gay part i can tell by my gay friends experience so you have your experience anyway characters develop later on so it's basically best end up.

Holy shit someone with a brain I'm so bloody done seeing new readers ask a clearly depressed and emotionally unavailable person to make healthy good decisions. That's like saying mental conflicts can be overcome if you 'wanted' to and it angers me to see how realistic portrayals of these very human flaws are getting so much hate. Like FR hypocritical much??

Agreed....the thing is though, I don't mind if people shit on characters for making bad decisions (that's their ideals speaking) but the funny thing for me is that in this series, all the characters make bad decisions....and characters from other stories have made WORSE decisions. But people only blame one specific character and forgive the others...pretty hypocritical-

Fr like I've read so many BL where people are defending rape, pedophilia, super toxic relationships that have extreme non con scenes and everyone's like 'They are so cute omg' what the hell is wrong with these people. So frustrated seeing the most fucked up characters in other comics getting away with shit and then seeing these comments like this here in lover boy

Tho even if it's their ideals they shouldn't be projecting on characters who clearly have so many different circumstance and experiences than themselves. Goes to show how frankly emotionally immature they are, that they can't even sympathise and show some understanding. I'm not saying the characters in Lover Boy have ever made good decisions but I think every one of them has a reason for why they do the thinks they do and it's a beautiful portrayal of what it means to be human. And while reasons are most certainly not a free pass to be an asshole, it demands an extent of understanding from those around them which clearly no one is giving these characters (ESPECIALLY Jaeha :(( ) double standards fr that pisses me off how shallow opinions chase away others from genuinely good writing

I think you perfectly captured everything I thought while reading the comments bashing this story and your analysis was on point. Also the way that people reacted to this story made me realise that society really expects everybody to "love in a certain way" and completely diminish others who love differently. People are born with different ideals, they have different upbringings and go through different experiences, they will inevitably have different perceptions of love. Not everybody can develop a secure attachment style or develop good habits when it comes to relationships and it's not their fault because they're either wired that way or the experiences they faced made them that way. To completely shame a character/person for not being able to be a healthy partner while disregarding their issues is highly insensitive and ENTITLED.

Jaeha is just annoying and stupid like most bottoms. But what makes it worse is that he keeps sleeping with his sex friend despite having feelings for Eunho and refusing Eunho.
And no you are wrong, ukes are forgiven for most of what they do because they are the MCs. Meanwhile tops are easily blamed for things that are sometimes the bottoms' fault xD.
In this case, i think the hare is strong because Jaeha made Eunho suffer like the entire story. Of course Jaeha is free to do whatever the fuck he wants, but HE is the character that makes the story frustrating.
The only characters that usually get a free pass for being the worst people are actually the antagonist tops. For example Chang from Tide on Waters or the tan dude from Back to School. Both of these ruined the life of the MC and even raped them. And both seems to be the favorite character for fans and authors

1. They are sexy
1.5 They didnt get much sexy screen time. Most people prefer something new than what we already get. Therefore, they are "fresher" meat than than the male leads.
2. they "love" rhe MC. And people assume they would have been good partners if they were loved back. Therefore they think "in MC's shoes, i would have taken him.and everythi g would have been perfect"
3. Its fiction so probably less bothered by what they did
4. They have the cold / bad boy attitude which many people think is cool and are attracted to it.
Just my theories.
And then people pretend its because they are more "realistic" or "3D" characters, even though they are just walking clichés that hardly make any sense.

Okay but Eunho is defo not faultless in this either. He was overwhelming Jaeha at a point in his life where he was not ready for it and being pushy of his feelings towards Jaeha. Anyway personally I think the fact that Jaeha had overly screwed up relationships and poor communication was intentional on the authors part and not smth that was going to be excused at all. He never forgave himself for doing the crap he did (nor did Eunho) and it got to the point where he actively forces himself to feel okay and happy with the decisions he makes when he clearly hated himself immensely for them.
Jaeha who is 'annoying and stupid' is just someone who has been conditioned by life to run away from his problems and let them pile up (Which is absolutely horrible). He is absolutely at fault no matter how you look at it but it is also human to make mistakes and grow from them which he does in the end.
And also thank you for telling me about these characters because man do I not want to go through another story where red flags are treated as hot and sexy! In the end if you disagree that's chill too because everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I can perfectly see how Jaeha can be annoying AF as well

Eunho isn't a victim. He is the one that decides to pursue Jaeha so of course he isn't faultless in his own pain. And Jaeha did nothing wrong really.
As you say, he is just a human trying to do what he think is best. But in the end, what he does still hurts Eunho and that does make him annoying and disliker in the story. And the drama was just too long so i think thats why.most of us dislike him.
Basically, we dislike the plot of the story lol.

We're all very much aware of how insufferable Jaeha is (trust me I was incredibly annoyed with his decision making skills), I'm just pointing out that people are unnervingly more forgiving with infuriating tops than infuriating bottoms. Maybe we're on different sides of bl (considering that you spoke about how most bottoms get away with things easier) but I'll list down some current popular tops in the bl fandom and their horrible actions. (Spoiler alert, they got away with their actions)
• Jaekyung from jinx (I don't have to explain) he has a lot of haters but he also has equal amount of supporters.
• Taeju from low tide in Twilight (rape, trafficking, abuse) people claim that he's the 'best alpha' and hope that he has a baby with the Omega despite the numerous times he SAed the omega.
• Seungho from painter of the night (abuse, rape) he's well loved by the bl fandom.
• Caesar from champagne and roses (shot the bottom, raped him) he's also well loved.
• Dohwa from love is an illusion (he raped the bottom and got him pregnant without consent) he's considered a green flag alpha and people were really excited about them having a baby despite the fact that it was from...assault.
Now keep in mind that I HAVE NEUTRAL FEELINGS ABOUT ALL THESE TOPS. I guess....you could argue that "well at least these tops changed for the better and didn't let their partner suffer the entire series that's why they're not as insufferable"....but...these bitches literally committed acts of crime. Like compared to what they did Jaeha's actions weren't that bad, plus he also changed for the better in the end inorder to make Eunho happy. You may disagree and honey...that's completely okay!!! because I disagree with your opinion too.

Mhm... I'll give it to you, the tops do get away with the worst things. xD! Like i agree they are actuallly horrible people most of em, but i still liked them and i dislike jaeha. So yea... It has nothing to do with how good a person Jaeha is but mostly how frustrating he made the story for me xD.
Also I disagree for the ML in love is an illusion. (We are talking about Dojin right?) While what you said it's true, it's an omegaverse. We saw the MC countless time completely out of it because nof his omega instinct and he would himself assailt the ML. The same happened to the ML. While he had more cousciousness than the MC, it can still be said he lost control to his instinct.
Also it's been very long time but didnt MC get pregnant from their first encounter? Which was because of MC "assaulting" ML? I might be wrong about that one though.
But yea.... Overall the omegaverse itself is just a gigantic redflag by itself. It is literally designed to put bottoms(the women of their fault) as an inferior specie made to serve the men.

Man roses and champagne was so fucked up he bloody shot his lover and everyone acting like that's okay?? Nahhh I can't believe that shooting someone aka attempted murder gets a free pass in the BL fandom now
I've met people who are like 'Caesar's hot so it's fine. Ya he shot him but yk the couple is so cute tgt!!!'

Man roses and champagne was so fucked up he bloody shot his lover and everyone acting like that's okay?? Nahhh I caლ(´ڡ`ლ)n't believe that shooting someone aka attempted murder gets a free pass in the BL fandom now
I've met people who are like 'Caesar's hot so it's fine. Ya he shot him but yk the couple is so cute tgt!!!'

I just found out about Dan's past and guys he's not what he seems at all. I'm actually soo disappointed and horrified that Dan turned out to be that way since I loved his character and I thought he was really interesting.

Dan has mentioned multiple times that he had a person whom he 'loved' or had a crush on. As everyone suspected this 'crush' was a guy who went to the same highschool with Dan. Dan became obsessed with him not really in a romantic sense but in a sadistic/possessive sense where he enjoyed watching his 'crush' suffer. Dan was even physically violent with him to the point where he assaulted him multiple times in the past, he developed a taste for it and desired to murder his crush with his own hands. However later his 'crush' died due to mysterious circumstances (Dan did not kill him). ALSOOO when Dan got arrested in the future, he revealed that he did not murder and torture all those 'bad people' for the sake of justice or good deeds. He did it to quench his bloodthirst and his unfulfilled desires, since he was unable to murder his 'crush'.
The fact that Tan (author of checkmate) and this author are on friendly terms and they both even congratulated each other on completing their works on twt is so wholesome . Underrated masterful authors
( ̄∇ ̄") what?
My bad Idk how to rephrase it any better