The first prince is evil, but not really? The queen is kinda evil, but not really?? The king might be trashy, but hes also not really evil???
I guess the slow burn is to slow that the fire is out before anything happening.

Yeah but not the typical evil king in these genre, like the 'i will do anything to gain power even if it needs to sacrifice one of my son to satan, acting nonsense like pressing power to weak characters and hiring assassins to my own unwanted son' type of shit. Well he barely come into pictures anyway. Cheating is not ok until they are the man characters, fighting their true love against the witch villain who became queen with money and power. So its just a matter of pov to me.

I say we're gonna get scammed again when we thinks oh this one is silly cute manhwa but you know towards the middle something gonna happend some traumatizing shit. Ive been here before i knew the pattern. Just like 'The Beginning After the End' and also 'Im Not That Kind of Talent' IM NOT CRAZY IM TELLING YOU-

We're lucky if it stop at that. Imagine if the disappearing dude who took pic of our lil guy the first time, his intention was not to show how cute he is, but to spread word that somehow the lil guy is their target and probably need to 'take care of him' and since he just disappear nobody knew the real intention until its too late.

Its obvious as everyone else said he might be the dude who died with him. But wouldn't it be funny if originally he had crush on the mc in previous world thats why he implies that he knew him well, which also why he appear in such convenient time before he got hit by the car trying to save him, which also implies he could only admired him from afar for some reason.
this should be the one getting animated not thay weirdass plot where the dude got raped by his doctor duh
Wait what which is getting animated
This one i heard
Rip to all the quality yaoi that never got an animation