I am actually happy with how this story went if all this didn't happen siwon wouldn't have ever known how much kang jun means to him amd don't get me wrong I don't think that what lu did was right he had his fair share of things and jealousy took over him I guess but I still hope the best for Lu and now hes moving on he even decided to do something with his life and I hope he can find someone who will truly love him *cough dongyoon cough*
This story will always be the best in my opinion my 2nd manwha or manga ever and I stuck with it for two years I couldn't wish for a happier ending now I am going to go cry....
Idk why I'm crying I saw a comments saying maybe it's nearing its end and I start crying
Your not alone T_T but really it would be sad I just reread it and laughed at stuff that I didn't laugh at the first time