Why is everyone hating on the prosecutor I low-key love him what

He's giving sociopath energies. Even after knowing that MC is carrying his child he doesn't really give a fuck about the child nor the MC. He has little to no empathy for anyone and we know this cause we get to see his internal monologue that everything he does, especially the good natured behaviors, all of those aren't done out of the goodness of his heart but because he knows that doing those will be to his advantage, i.e. treating MC with a little kindness cause he knows he can win him over through that and make it easier for him to make MC do things for him but when he didn't need MC he treated him like shit. Manipulative sociopath vibes through and through.

Yeah, that's cause he doesn't give af either way. Him saying it's up to MC whether MC keeps the baby or not doesn't stem from his care and love for MC, it's more of a detached "I don't mind paying child support but I don't mind aborting it either", he just dgaf, he doesn't care abt MC that's why he doesn't mind whatever MC does. That's why everyone is praying for white hair to be the dad, at least he genuinely cares abt MC.

I low-key think the mc has trauma from assault or something, the ml knew that wasn’t right. What he wanted wasn’t even play, he wanted to get assault. In the first few chapters we can see that the mc wanted to get rape ( sorry if I worded that wrong or offended anybody) but I think the mc is interested in CNC “consensual non consensual” overall this manwha is pretty good, art style and plot is amazing I love it.

In chapter 34 what does the fl means when she says she has to get revenge on the kartazen who betrayed her

i also got confused abt it but i ended up kind of getting an idea of what it meant after reading up to the latest chapter. idk if you finished reading the entire thing so idk if this might be a spoiler or not, but it might have been ayna posessing rose, which would make sense bc ayna is still really mad abt ranon betraying her and killing their children.

Anya/Gold, the ml's ancestor, she is the one that is in charge of who gets the blessing, and she saw how much the ml loved fl so she possessed the fl to bring her into the palace and do whatever she can to protect the ml and ultimately sacrifice herself trying to save the ml.
When fl says "she" has to get revenge on the kartazen who betrayed her, it wasn't roan who said that, it was actually anya saying that because she possesses some of the fl to make sure she stays in the palace.
Family Tree Relationships
1.C and D:
•Step-siblings (because A and B are their respective parents).
2.E (A and B’s child):
•Half-sibling to both C and D (shares one biological parent with each).
•Aunt/Uncle to F (because F is C’s child).
3.F (child of C and D):
•Grandchild of both A and B.
•Niece/Nephew to E.
•E and F are Aunt/Uncle and Niece/Nephew to each other.
•F is the grandchild of A and B.