:3 this was such an ordeal. The text, the confusing art..i thought it won't be that bad (cause i've seen worse) but still, i regret starting on this manga. Sure the story seems interesting but you can't even discern the most basic actions :( Oh well i'll still wait for the updtes since i've got closure issues. ( ̄へ ̄)

Arghh so i don't bat an eye when takaaki sleeps around but when shinkawa hooks up with kenzaki, i roar in anger :3 It's not like i wanted takaaki to be with shinkawa or iwaki but it's like neither of them deserve him (why do i even think they don't??!). Kenzaki seemed like a pathetic character(1st he's in love with iwaki, then moves over to shinkawa so quickly, like whaaat the?) and i hated shinkawa(i can't even say why :3 ). P.S why do their names have to be the same like Haru Wo Daite? :P

I don't think kenzaki ever liked iwaki san and I think he even tells this to shinkawa in one scene. Although I do admit the scene with the blow job was a bit ambiguous in regards to whether kenzaki loved him or not. Nevertheless kenzaki words at the end of the scene hint that he did not do it because he loved iwaki.
Sorry, I get a bit defensive when it comes to kenzaki.
is it just me or is it skipping pages or something every time i click on next? It's page 1 then skips to 3..where the hell did page 2 go?
Anyone else experiencing this issue? I think it's with all manhwas..