2020-01-04 11:41 marked
random story game! you can say up to 5 words!
There once was a boy
There once was a boy
2017-12-08 01:58 marked
2017-10-05 23:00 marked
2017-10-05 22:46 marked

The clothes Siwon wears in the flashbacks and I'm the video of the gang rape are different from what he wore in the first chapter where he commits suicide. It's makes me wonder- I'm thinking that the video they took of Siwon is what started his bullying. That's probably why they've been calling Taemin a slut. That also leads me to believe that the gang rape didn't happen just once and the one from chapter 1 was basically the last straw. If this is true, I'm just- I can't even imagine the pain and trauma Siwon had to go through. What even sadder is that Siwon wasn't a weak character at all, in fact I'd say he's a lot like Taemin, albeit more polite and well-mannered. He can stand up for himself and his brother. All he wanted to do wa help Jiwook. A character like that being reduced to such helplessness is so heart breaking. He must've been desperate for someone to help him. Jiwook was saying earlier how he still remembered "how you were on your knees begging for help." Ugh. No one helped him, besides Taemin- that's just so fucking awful Siwon deserved way better.
2017-07-02 19:21 marked
2017-07-02 05:46 marked
2017-06-26 23:14 marked
2017-06-16 17:40 marked
Photo from cutie patooieeee