I hope they figured out how to turn him into a vampire bcuz that future is just sad otherwise.

Not necessarily. A lot of stories require exchanging of blood or a similar process. They usually use this method for plots because having everyone a vampire bites become a vampire would cause a lot of chaos. You usually want there to be some kind of dramatic build up for the changing scene.
But in other stories especially older stories a simple bite or completely draining the person of blood will do the trick. Greatly depends on the author.
I have a feeling she's gonna work with the competitor when she doesn't get what she wants and expose a scandel between them by having someone take pictures of them. Or something like that.
I also have a feeling this story is gonna piss me off because it kind of already is. If it's gonna be a business marriage. I would act like it's a business marriage. There's no need to talk to him or do anything unnecessary for 3 years. There's no need to care about jealous bitches either. Cool, calm, composed, and carefree. You got into the marriage to get out of trouble in the first place so take advantage and just do what you want. Period