Let’s see? Hachi “slept” with his ex to fuck with baby Hina-tan OR Hachi is honestly just plain shit.
Author should’ve just out and said that he’s a sadist. Would’ve made me feel less hatred for him lmao.
Just imagine this situation irl? Like fuck no? Hina-tan you’re just a uneducated homophobe but I think you can do better than date trashy men ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ
Hate me all you want you Hachi lovers.

If black wolf guy is his older brother then...uhm...fuck you?
How could you abandon your only family just because you swore loyalty to your boss??
Like I get it, boss probably saved you but bro your brother literally is the sweetest thing out there that only wanted to live in peace!
Please give dear Yuki boy the best life after all this drama cuz sis...I feel damn sad for him ( ̄へ ̄)
Why is Taku’s appearance something people are hating on? “He looks like an uke”...bitch as if you haven’t read any other mangas Where the seme looks more feminine...have you never read any mangas where the uke is really masculine then? Do you complain about their appearances?
Acting as if you people only read the most stereotypical gay couple on here confuses me. Do you judge people in real life like you are with Taku? Just asking.
Also, why are you hating on their appearance when you clearly should be hating on their personalities. I’m not saying they suck but their personalities are frustrating because it’s like they want to run away from their feelings or do not want to acknowledge the truth.
Anyways I’m not gonna read this until it’s finished so have fun whining about Taku looking like an uke... ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Imo it's ridiculous to say that someone looks like uke/seme. It's stereotypical, the appearances, personality shouldn't determine someone's preferences in bed.
Although tbh it's mostly the fault of yaoi (and it's authors) which duplicates the same stereotypes over and over and over again.
But on the other side people are calling Joowon that he looks like llama..
So the bar is really low in this comment section.
Taku is the best looking character in this series in my opinion! His character design is so unique it’s amazing! You can’t really find many characters that look like him in Asian works! I just rather stare at something that’s unique and different than common and unoriginal maybe that’s weird lol