PetitePatellaFella March 8, 2024 11:33 pm

Twenty times and THEN LOST COUNT?!!! To have this good of a memory of how everything up to the current point has played out step by step must mean our poor boys have been threw this about a hundred times if not more :’). I’m glad our hoyunie put it together and everything is kind of out there, now I’m DYYYYING to get a glimpse into one of their past runs- or better yet their first run! THIS STORY IS TOO DAMN GOOOD IM SO EXCITED literally cannot fucking wait for this gem to return for season 2.

PetitePatellaFella March 7, 2024 12:43 am

Cute as usual can’t wait for him to be past 30% eventually!!!! Plus the baby pic thing KILLED ME that was so random???

PetitePatellaFella March 2, 2024 8:27 pm

It’s pretty obvious at this point that everytime our precious Hoyunie dies our ML regresses back with him. Not sure why or how obviously but it seems pretty obvious.

Now think about it, if you and the person you liked kept regressing back to the beginning everytime they died, you’d be fucking stressed mkay? You’d be confused n scsred, especially if the person you liked DIDNT REMEMBER that happening?

Our ML was so comfortable during the beginning because they had clearly done that part of the school god knows how many times at that point. He knew where the zombies were gonna be, how the survivors were going to act, where to get food and which places to be. Now (as he’s said) they’ve reached a point he hasn’t gotten to that many times so far. We can only assume that our Hoyun had died an unimaginable amount leading up to the part we are now. As Hoyun said, the banquet hall most likely has a lot of zombies. With our MLS flashback it’s pretty obvious that is the truth, and likely the reason our ML is so on edge. With that many zombies in just 3 stories of a building, that’s unpredictable asf with so many different possible outcomes. Plus judging from how clearly SCARED and NERVOUS our ML is, I take it that they’ve never made it past that part of the school, that something terrible always happens to Hoyun, and that they haven’t even made it that far enough times to even get a grasp on how things will work out.

For those of you saying “COMMUNICATION” “TALK IT OUT”. First of all, would YOU believe someone if they said “hey btw every time you die this whole thing restarts so just do as I say and you’ll live” ??? Cause I wouldn’t. That would sound like crazy talk. Second of all, I’m sure he’s tried the talking it out route in the past but we all know Hoyun, he doesn’t like to listen . He probably just went ahead on his own anyways? Who knows! That’s the beauty of this story, we’re getting more and more sneak peaks into the past and I cannot wait to see everything come to light.

And for those of you who are upset at our ML cause he’s “angry” and “scary” and “so mean” for no reason??? THERE IS CLEARLY A REASON???? I would be stressed asf too!! Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

    aison March 2, 2024 8:32 pm

    I agree with you but why did you labeled it as "spoiler" tho?

    PetitePatellaFella March 2, 2024 8:35 pm
    I agree with you but why did you labeled it as "spoiler" tho? aison

    Just in case someone who was only on like chapter one of it or hasn’t started it yet was looking through comments, I can’t remember if it doesn’t really give anything away or not in the beginning so I just wanted to play it safe ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    aison March 2, 2024 8:44 pm
    Just in case someone who was only on like chapter one of it or hasn’t started it yet was looking through comments, I can’t remember if it doesn’t really give anything away or not in the beginning so I jus... PetitePatellaFella

    Oh about tht actually these recent comments will appear for this specific chapter. So those who've read the recent chapters can see recent comments.

    Azusa March 2, 2024 11:26 pm

    If someone told me "I've repeated this exact scene like 100 times already and the repeat button is you dying - don't ask, i don't know how it works either. Anyways, I know what happens in the near future so let's stick together for now. Btw I love you." (which is not much), I'd trust them a whole lot more than ML who can't even say it when MC has basically figured it out and is asking him about it. The one and only downsides of the explanation would be the time needed to explain (which again is not much) and the repetitiveness of it (but that shouldn't matter too much bc everything else repeats as well).
    Also, the ML is so overbearing ever since the beginning, even though they were not acquainted with each other before the apocalypse. So even if ML sees them as lovers, MC doesn't.
    In my opinion, stress and anxiety only excuse the outburst of emotions in this recent chapter, not the way he's been treating MC since the beginning. I can't remember everything right now but the feeling I got from the earlier chapters is that the ML does not love the MC. The only two things that seem to matter to him are 1: MC's survival and 2: fucking MC. He doesn't really respect him in any way. It bothers me a lot that the vibe I get from him is "I need to protect my sex toy".

    SpikedChaiTea March 3, 2024 5:32 am
    If someone told me "I've repeated this exact scene like 100 times already and the repeat button is you dying - don't ask, i don't know how it works either. Anyways, I know what happens in the near future so let... Azusa

    You are so right. In my mind though, I think the ML honestly sees the MC as even less than a sex toy, because the cons of the MC’s existence far outweighs the benefits. From the ML’s perspective, the MC is literally ruining his life and repeatedly causing him to die in such horrible ways that it’s giving him PTSD. Obviously none of that is the MC’s fault and the ML isn’t justified in his actions, but it still makes sense if he would actually kinda hate the MC. I think the romance/sex is more of a manipulation tactic, because I’m not personally convinced that the ML had any sort of attraction to the MC to begin with. I think that somehow along the way he realized that a romantic/sexual relationship established him more credibility with the MC and gave him easier control over him. The sex might be a bonus but isn’t really paramount. The main thing the ML cares about is his own survival. If it came down to the end and he had to sacrifice the MC to survive, I’d bet he’d throw him to the hoard in a second. But maybe I’m too cynical of the ML’s intentions before he went psycho and he at one point did actually have feelings for the MC ╮( ̄= ̄)╭

    PetitePatellaFella March 3, 2024 10:27 am
    You are so right. In my mind though, I think the ML honestly sees the MC as even less than a sex toy, because the cons of the MC’s existence far outweighs the benefits. From the ML’s perspective, the MC is... SpikedChaiTea

    I totally see both of your guys’ points, I just like to hope for the best ┗( T﹏T )┛ I’ve definitely had those thoughts but I guess I’d just like to think he has real love for Hoyuj :’) I’m definitely gonna keep just thinking he has feelings for our baby and that his bad behavior is just a mix of PTSD and stress (cause if it is part of his PTSD that can make people act in crazy, irrational ways that they wouldn’t normally act) until proven otherwise. and Ima be so fr I totally forgot that he p much raped Hoyun n that’s something I despise in all BL and all contexts. I hate that it’s a reoccurring thing in this genre especially. I do have the brain of a goldfish so I forget easily when certain fucked up shit happens, so thank you for reminding me of that. I guess we’ll just have to see what his true intentions are :’) I hope for the best! Thanks to both of you for helping me take off my rose tinted glasses for a moment and to look at it more seriously. BUT THE GLASSES ARE GOING BACK ON FOR NOW. Have a great day (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

PetitePatellaFella March 1, 2024 1:56 am

Call me crazy but for the last like 4 updates istg it’s just been the same chapters over n over??? I have read that fuckin orchid smashing one at LEAST twice or three times ong because I KNOW I got multiple notifs for it just for it to be the same chapter I had read the previous update?? And the baseball one I have read twice. No I did not read it on any other site, I don’t trust other sites. Did I see the future? Did I make it all up? Or is it just my personal mangago fucking shit up??? ┗( T﹏T )┛HELP I FEEL LIKE IM LOSING IT

    two-hundred won March 1, 2024 3:28 pm

    they are uploading officials, next update would be a new one since both translated by scans and the officials is chapter 17

    PetitePatellaFella March 2, 2024 4:41 am
    they are uploading officials, next update would be a new one since both translated by scans and the officials is chapter 17 two-hundred won

    THANK YOU it was actually making me go crazy. Thank you thank you thank you

    two-hundred won March 2, 2024 2:02 pm
    THANK YOU it was actually making me go crazy. Thank you thank you thank you PetitePatellaFella

    fr, each notif had my hopes high, good thing we can read chapter 18 next update!

PetitePatellaFella February 22, 2024 5:46 pm

okay so I take back my initial thoughts like p much everyone else in this comment section. I thought it was going to be the typical ‘uke is dominated/controlled by over-obsessed seme’ but I guess it is not!

I have so many issues with the uke bro. First of all you’re a grown man only with an 18 year old for your own selfish reasons. You like how it feels to be wanted, liked, and validated, not our black haired coo-coo beauty, aight? Secondly, you literally saw our boy GET MORE N MORE INSECURE, you KNOW his abandonment issues/familial issues, you KNOW he struggles with day to day things that seem simple but he was never taught, and you go and make everything worse by lying and flipping everything around onto HIM? Acting like HE’S the problem? It seems to me that a lot of his crazy-ness could have been diminished if the uke just fucking communicated? And like an adult SHOWED him how that stuff usually goes??? The seme waited for him at home like he was asked, he only went out searching after all of his texts and calls were ignored. That’s pretty reasonable to me?? And he didn’t barge in, he waited outside, that’s pretty fucking respectful if you ask me.

So yeah, I kind of fucking understand why shit escalated so much, I understand how our seme got misguided and how his feelings got fucked up and twisted. Obviously he’s psycho, but I wish he could have met someone who could actually love him and not be embarrassed of him. I feel like he’d be a little healthier that way. I guess we’ll see how this plays out (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    littleme0808 February 22, 2024 7:07 pm

    seme practically triggered uke's abandonment trauma, so shit escalated.

    PetitePatellaFella February 22, 2024 9:31 pm
    seme practically triggered uke's abandonment trauma, so shit escalated. littleme0808

    FR ╥﹏╥

    Yoyo February 23, 2024 7:02 am

    Exactly and the story of their past is still ongoing in raws dk what other shit seme went through coz of uke's selfishness

    dragon_queen February 27, 2024 5:20 am

    Exactly! I changed my mind real quick lol. I feel bad for the seme. With his trauma, abandonment issues, and mental state I get why he spiraled with the ukes selfishness and mental games. Like telling the seme that he lacked common sense (while also pointing out his trauma) while he had the common sense and decency to wait then look for his partner after being ignored. Only to find him drinking, still being kind enough to wait outside knowing he’s being ignored then see his partner text him a freaking lie and then having the whole freaking thing turned on him by saying he stalked him and had no common sense? Like what? Dude could’ve at least shot him a text so that he wouldn’t be worried. I mean i get he doesn’t feel serious about it and he’s embarrassed but the 18 year old he’s dating is serious about it so he should consider how he’s feeling. I could literally write forever about this

PetitePatellaFella February 22, 2024 3:47 pm

IDK WHERE TO EVEN BEGIN. The art is just top fucking tier everyone is drawn so perfectly. The STORY LINE!? Okay- normally I can’t really get into ones that start with cross dressing when the other person doesn’t know they’re cross dressing cause then it makes the romance feel a little odd for me personally, but the author does a FANTASTIC JOB at making Yoonsung express himself in the way that you KNOW he isn’t comparing the two versions of our MC, that he loves our boy AS our boy!! And when he fell in love with him as a girl, he fell in love with him as a PERSON! Yoonsung is literally the biggest green flag I’ve ever seen in my entire BL reading life. The way reading this has made me feel things I have never felt before while reading is truly amazing.

NOT TO MENTION THAT THEY DOWNRIGHT MADE L O V E! They didn’t fuck, they didn’t have sex, they deadass MADE LOVE. The amount of love and appreciation I could feel from Yoonsungs perspective is amazing, I felt like I was there in that moment. I hope this isn’t the end and that we get all the closure we need. This story is truly truly a masterpiece and so so beautiful! If you were on the fence about reading this DONT BE! READ IT! You will really not regret it. Thank you to the author for creating such a beautiful piece of art, and thank you to our fantastic uploaders that allow us to partake in this for free! ┗( T﹏T )┛I never want this one to end.

PetitePatellaFella February 21, 2024 1:24 am

I SWEAR TO GOD this better not end up as a tragedy or anything sad/unaswered cause I WILL DIE. I just want my two boys to be able to be happy together for all of eternity

PetitePatellaFella February 21, 2024 12:58 am

I have full confidence that Aryka isn’t Yoen (or at least I really hope tf he isn’t that will wreck me). I think Aryka was just a quiet (maybe bullied?) kid who watched/admired/liked Vince from a distance. Although obviously in his most recent dream it makes it seem like him and Vince DID know each other on a somewhat comfortable basis. Vince obviously didn’t give two shits about other people and stopped pretending cause of the whole trust issue thing so WHAT IF Aryka was a kind of friend to YOEN????? (⊙…⊙ ) Cause Yoen at least put up a front in front of other people, enough to where he could have had a surface level friend or two. Ugh who tf knows I’m just dying to see how this turns out!!! I just hope he isn’t actually Yoen (/TДT)/

PetitePatellaFella February 14, 2024 1:56 am

Legit cried.


(/TДT)/ ╥﹏╥

PetitePatellaFella February 7, 2024 9:20 pm

Look the story is cute and simple I CAN GET BEHIND THAT ALL DAY, but there’s something…missing? I can’t quite put my finger on it, maybe it’s because so far this has turned out quite anticlimactic? I love the characters, the art, etc. but man was I expecting that MC vs. Broker moment to be way more intense. Like dude you spent so long hunting him down and this is what it was? Don’t get me wrong I’m happy my boy is safe and sound and can go back to doing what he was doing, I just wish it was a TOUCH more exciting or even just a little less predictable? I could tell from the first handful of chapters EXACTLY how this was going to turn out and so far every thought/prediction I had has come true!!! It’s a very cutesy non-serious story so far, very easy read. I’m excited to see it all come to a beautiful happy conclusion. Just so conflicted, I want to like the story more than I do but it’s also gotten a touch boring ig. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    salvx February 14, 2024 4:05 am

    Oh don’t worry it’s not over

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