Then during their wedding, Yurito drunk on magical manipulation, Hakugin certain that he will finally get married. Someone appears in captivity and provokes Koro by revealing Yurito is about to marry Hakugin at the ceremony and that he will bear his child, Toshimaru also no longer remembers him... Koro pisses off Goku up his own magic and breaks the seal and will finally save your family.
Muhyeok proposal was the best !! my sweaty eyes wanna see the wedding and everything God pls! (/TДT)/
For these two I wish endless 30 years story VFinder like. Gonna miss them ╥﹏╥
I'm sure we will have sad times in the next chs so I'm already preparing myself for that...
I really wana know more about Muhyeok's friends, a little flashback about Muhyeok's past and mode operation with them and the exes.
If Muhyeok and Jaehoon had something cos it seems like they have some history.
And I kind of hope some firm exes reappears on both sides lol.
But for that to happen we would have to have other seasons more(/TДT)/
When will I be able to see Muhyeok working out at the gym? ლ(´ڡ`ლ) God! pls!
Naui lying face down in bed sulking never fails to make me laugh.
Like I said, it's all Taeju's fault. As a gangster he had an obligation to take care of their safety. Aunt is completely right to blame him for all the mess.
I'm here to see the day Muhyeok tattoo Naui with a sexy draw in a sexy place and makes him more irresistible for him.
Is dominant Alpha Taeju just going to sit down and negotiate diplomatically with the guy who kidnapped his omega? ahahaha
Taeju looks like he's in a pheromone self-control trance, he showed up with just 2 bro against several from the other party, he can just demand the guy bring Euihyun to him immediately and the idiot will deny and make bargains and guess what? Taeju releases his maximum pheromones in the room, there won't be one left standing.
Still, I don't want it to be that easy, I need the bloodbath fack
Unfortunately, the blame for the kidnapping falls on Taeju, he should have removed Euihyun's name as the 2° person responsible for the debt. He failed to cover Euihyun's safety and as punishment he will lose a lot to get Euihyun back, well done suffer and learn Taeju for being an idiot. I hope to see a shred of intelligence in this meeting with Eunhwa gang ok?
After all this movement and high emotions I fear Euihyun will faint for good, the doc will examine him and discover the pregnancy. Euihyun's bargaining value doubles, faaack.
Man, what happened? I hope the author is increasing his drawing and writing skills because a story like this cannot be put down ┗( T﹏T )┛.
...that Cliffhanger we died waiting for. I was prepared but it still killed me (/TДT)/
Taeju can't count on the gang guys to help with anything yk, they all look like idiots good for nothing didn't even look properly, the child passed by the car! The time Euiyoung ran away Taeju found him alone, and to find Kim Sahyeok, Taeju also found him alone through the smell.
Now Euiyun is kidnapped but guess what? There won't be any point in putting the entire gang's battalion to look for him, once again Taeju will only rely on himself, this is worrying bcs he will go full rage mod without limits he and could get badly hurt in the process.
Living to see Euihyun with a big belly pregnant, all the steps of pregnancy, baby care, marriage, second child... may this not end as soon as the baby is born like the other omegaverses, I beg you fairy godmother ╥﹏╥
Taeseo didn't move a finger to help Yeomin? That hurts.
He's getting used to seeing Yeomin everywhere, I can't wait to see Yeomin catch him seeing a women and quickly not see him anywhere anymore. So Yeomin will be working full time in a good place(๑•ㅂ•)و✧
Yknow part of me is so curious why rape is so common in BL stories. Any thoughts? I’ve thought about it and maybe it’s due to the rape culture in Asian countries? Many men fetishize rape so is it women with rape fetishes or women trying to “balance the scale?”