People saying JK's feeling like crap out of guilt but I don't think JK is there yet.
The whole chapter JK seemed like an airhead, why did he resign? Huh??! then he couldn't believe Dan left the house huh?? after treating Dan's sweetness and care like shit !! .Bro he's not aware the harm he has done to Dan, his face looks like he's blaming Dan for making him feel wrong, angry bcs he was dumped (I paid your debts, you could have just resigned, but you had the audacity to leaving the house without my permission) yk he's likely to meet Dan by chance on the street and confront him, accusing him for breach of contract.
What's worse!! Dan didn't leave cause he decided to stay away from JK's toxicity, he left cause of his grandmother's urgente request and out of guilt for failing at work , even though he knows he is innocent!!!
Summary of the 1st season, they're both still dumb ass