I'm wondering, it's been awhile and I have forgotten, but does Hajin know that Daejun knows it's actually him? what's the point of paying for the crime of killing him? can't he just straight out say that he knows Sihyeon is actually Hajin? why would they "lose"?
i'm trying to come up with a reason and the only thing I got is they wouldn't be able to move on from their past roles as boss and subordinate and the boundaries og Hajin set up? with Sihyeon, Daejun can interact with him in ways he never could be able to with Hajin? is Daejun playing along with Hajin bc he hopes as Sihyeon, Hajin can start doing stuff he wants instead of what his past family wanted him to be? like idkkkk, i know Hajin's not telling him anything bc he doesn't want to get Daejun involved further but it's been 100 chapters and he's obviously getting involved. i feel like it's getting abit needlessly complicated
but yayyyyyy they kissed finally

i just binged so i’ll try to answer your questions!
hajin doesn’t know that daejun know that it’s him, and in the recent chapter, hajin kind of explains why he doesn’t want daejun to know. it’s because of his father, who has done shitty things to keep hajin under his control. hajin thinks of khan(the dog) and how his father killed him when it showed him affection, so he doesn’t daejun to end up like that. he also doesn’t think daejun would believe him.
i think daejun is “playing along” out of love and loyalty—he doesn’t know why hajin won’t tell him, but he’s still going to do everything to keep him safe!

I would just like to say THANK YOUUUU THAT WAS THE MOST DELICIOUS SCRUMPTIOUS AMAZING WONDERFUL 5 STARS GOURMET MICHELIN STAR GORDON RAMSAY TYPE MEAL RIGHT THERE I enjoyed a feast with fine wine for the first time in forever I needed that thank you I feel revitalized rejuvenated reborn even so THANK YOU OMFG ILYSM♀

I swear to god that when Kim Dan leaves, Jaekyung better be crying and worshipping that keychain as the one single gift Kim Dan EVER gave him (hopefully if Kim Dan isn't delusional and still hanging around; seriously, grow a pair man). He has to be full on crying, on his knees and acting like a kicked puppy. Else I'm gonna transcend reality and kick his ass. (Seriously, what's up with tops nowadays?)
jigu-ya, you're the one who's gonna cry, not him, youuuuuu