SpectreSouls's feed

SpectreSouls created a topic of Jinx

Can't wait for Potato and Dan to run away together and be cute boyfriends who love eachother and go on cute dates and hold hands. If it doesn't happen I will commit crimes. I see it as virtually impossible for specifically this author to redem Jaekying in a deservable way.... just watch i GAURANTEE they're gonna pull what they did in BJ Alex and be like "b-but I have twama from when I was widdle and now I'm a howwiblrle abusive pewson but it's otay becaws of my twama" and then he's gonna magically not be abusive after like 1 chapter of Dan justifiably leaving his ass (psa having trauma and behaving differently is okay and compleetly normal but hurting everyone around you both emotionally AND physically because of it is compleetly unacceptable behavior, and you no longer get to exuse your behavior with "but trauma" after that.)