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Day January 9, 2025 3:50 am

I get that maybe the emperor and prince were brainwashed in ShuShu’s past life but there is a lot of reasoning beyond that to say that they did just give up on her. Even if you say they were brainwashed even before that the emperor didn’t make sure he knew what happened to the child bye went by the words of someone he couldn’t trust rather than making sure for himself. The prince if forgivable since he’s a child and never held any power to do anything anyways but I just can’t like the emperor. That being said I also can’t hate him.

I feel like he should speak to her rather than try forcing her into positions she clearly has no interest in.

Day January 7, 2025 7:57 pm

Why doesn’t the management bureau actually try to actively do better than solely depend on one hero to save everyone. The concept that one person has to be strong enough and sacrifice for everyone else is so tired.

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OH LORD 08-18 13:01

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