Hehe, was hhot
Feeling bad for all ppl who hate incest
+ It's only a roleplay u guys

It's not the incest for some of us. I've read all manner of questionable material and even translated things that would probably make your eyes bleed. It's it being framed as something to be actively turned on by that is off-putting on a personal level.
I ain't judging if it's your thing, but it's one thing for characters to bang as step siblings or whatever and another thing for the characters to be all "Yeah, take this (insert relation here) dick, (insert relation here)" etc.
It's like having a character call their partner a little kid then start talking about taking their adult dick repeatedly. I just dropped another manhwa for that reason.

I can affirm that the last 100 chaps are useless.
Do not add any plot and the story kept diverging.
I only kept reading because I had nth better to do and no desire for anything recently.
And Rourou ofc, such a cutie and I'm interested in lucid dreaming. But let's just look at it. All characters are beautiful/handsome and somehow everybody is gay,, like.. it just needs to be more realistic. Ik we R here for this but adding realism enhances the plot and flow.
Main characters went into slumber. I was looking forward to the Xinga and that assistant couple but the author just douched and crammed it. Also things were weird with that couple of baixing entertainment and they stopped updating. For the brothers A and Lu Ai,, really? It's fucking weird and not handled right, I normally don't mind incest but this is just uncomfortable. Finally, the recent couple r kinda cute, ur usual 'enimes to lovers'. Oh and I don't like lingwei fiancé character, weak.
So basically the main storyline ended when they retrieved big head and the whole family reunited. All the sides stories had potential but they were poorly written. At this point I can say the art is the only merit. Still I gave this story a 4 stars, it was overall adorable.
I still cannot wrap my head about his unresistant behaviour! Why does he keep accepting being raped? I mean do smth df, so frustrating. I hate such sloppy personalities
Brother have we been reading the same thing? He’s not accepting it, it’s happening to him the entire 2nd season without his consent. In his own way, he’s been trying o escape but they’re hopeless. He literally can’t get away from Hee-seo.
"Accepting being raped"
That is one of the most oxymoron stupid shit someone could ever say
Yo guys ik he is not 'accepting' I meant letting it happen to him. He had plenty of chances to harm the guy he just wouldn't
I think the story is abit more complicated than that. But yeh it does seem he looks too calm and relaxed at times lol. I believe he does want to leave n he’s trying his best but they hold complicated feelings and relationship. He has some ideas and plans but he’s been unsuccessful in his escape. It’s not like he can physically overpower Heeseo either. He’s stuck poor guy.