go to the page of the manga you wish to update. *in desktop mode* click the little flag icon on the mid-left section of your screen. Then click 'other' and write "I have updated chapters for this manga". an admin/bot will reply within a couple hours and send you a set of instructions
go to the page of the manga you wish to update. *in desktop mode* click the little flag icon on the mid-left section of your screen. Then click 'other' and write "I have updated chapters for this manga". an adm... uwuowouwu
i have some chapters but i dont know how to add them.
go to the page of the manga you wish to update. *in desktop mode* click the little flag icon on the mid-left section of your screen. Then click 'other' and write "I have updated chapters for this manga". an admin/bot will reply within a couple hours and send you a set of instructions
*make sure to click 'report' after typing*