why the hell is the ml clinging on to the dude knowing he don’t want him frl and or just using him i’m kinda glad he coming done to earth but he still so slow bc ain’t no way you still expected him to care for you after saying all these things and basically disregarding u after he got caught up with the other dude but yk what can solve this situation

Bruh so
if he’s not her biological dad then who the hell is because the resemblance to the demon lord all her dad is uncanny like they look just alike even when she was a baby they looked alike so you can’t tell me he ain’t her bio dad sum ain’t right here

Just my guess and nothing's concrete yet but I think kareha had a hand in this, like made her(body) through magic or by some other means but then bliss' soul went inside that body or something
Like that could explain why Lucas went ballistic both in this and in the previous timeline when kareha took over her body, maybe kareha also took over her body when she was bliss and this current body was just Lucas's "daughter"
(I swear it made sense when I was saying it inside my head so sorry if this conspiracy theory is making your head hurt)
ok yea it’s good they broke up but like really dude your not even asking the questions you want to know and your sitting there believing everything else someone else told you now good job tho for confronting him but if you really wanted answer you should do it a different way than taking one narrative and running with it cause the situation to blow up more or maybe i’m jus tripping