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JuiceCoolored July 21, 2021 3:03 pm

Im so sorrrry to say this but that dress looks like a pajamaaaa. As long Blanche is happy im happy too ಥ‿ಥ

    Muuta July 21, 2021 3:07 pm

    It called a chemise a la reine! It became popular in the last 1700s as it was often worn by Marie Antoinette. It was usually and underdress and was thought as scandalous.. sorry for this fashion nerd, but I hope you like this fact.

    BlackWolf(^o^)/ July 21, 2021 3:09 pm
    It called a chemise a la reine! It became popular in the last 1700s as it was often worn by Marie Antoinette. It was usually and underdress and was thought as scandalous.. sorry for this fashion nerd, but I hop... Muuta

    I just learned about a chemise in another manhwa but that one was prettier than this one tbh

    JuiceCoolored July 21, 2021 3:13 pm

    Whoaaaa thaaats amazing (●♡∀♡).

JuiceCoolored July 19, 2021 3:36 pm

And they said that the knight is not the ML. (༎ ෴ ༎)

    H1th3r3 July 19, 2021 3:37 pm

    There is no ML. Keira ends up with no one in the novel and unfortunately "forgives" the Duke by returning home.

    JuiceCoolored July 19, 2021 3:40 pm

    Thaaaats a relief whoooooa

    Eclipse July 19, 2021 3:43 pm
    There is no ML. Keira ends up with no one in the novel and unfortunately "forgives" the Duke by returning home. H1th3r3

    “BeCaUsE wE’rE FaMiLy” (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸The duke is a lucky bastard to have a loving daughter (︶︿︶)=凸

    amjs July 19, 2021 3:44 pm
    There is no ML. Keira ends up with no one in the novel and unfortunately "forgives" the Duke by returning home. H1th3r3

    Why did she forgive him!!! I wanna kill him so bad

    Juliusalad July 19, 2021 3:45 pm
    There is no ML. Keira ends up with no one in the novel and unfortunately "forgives" the Duke by returning home. H1th3r3

    Is there a translated Version of the novel in English?

    Yerenica <3 July 19, 2021 3:55 pm

    actually whether theres an ml or not its not fs yet. Yes, in the novel there is no novel bcs it focuses on herself and revenge but apparently a lot of ppl are saying the the manhwa is a but different from the novel (idk myself since i havent read it) and that the illustrator? the one in charge of this manhwa will alter the story it a bit and make the knight the ml. Not fs yet tho so i might be wrong this is just based off of what ive seen and read

    Shiyai July 19, 2021 4:19 pm
    “BeCaUsE wE’rE FaMiLy” (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸The duke is a lucky bastard to have a loving daughter (︶︿︶)=凸 Eclipse

    I prefer if they make Joseph the ML in return of her not forgiving her father. Seriously!

    Akira-Chan July 19, 2021 4:55 pm
    Why did she forgive him!!! I wanna kill him so bad amjs

    I read somewhere that the Duke was one of the peeps who helped her regress that's why he was acting rather 'strange' than usual in Keira's past life.

    H1th3r3 July 19, 2021 5:06 pm
    I read somewhere that the Duke was one of the peeps who helped her regress that's why he was acting rather 'strange' than usual in Keira's past life. Akira-Chan

    He did that NOT because he felt guilt or remorse for having Keira executed despite knowing she was his daughter. He wasn't a passive bystander He VOTED in favor of her execution and publicly defamed her as being a "fake" all while being arm in arm with

    It was because after the execution the spirits were angered because Keira was in fact the saintess.

    And "Cosette" is actually a demon that is possessing the body of Keira's older half sister's corspe who died as a baby. not long after the execution the shows their true colours and unleashes a demonic horde onto the earth. The spirits refuse to help as they angered about the execution of Keira's execution and unleash their own havoc.

    When this happens everyone blames the Duke and this shames house Parvis that falls into ruins.

    That is his real reason for rewinding time.

    H1th3r3 July 19, 2021 5:09 pm
    actually whether theres an ml or not its not fs yet. Yes, in the novel there is no novel bcs it focuses on herself and revenge but apparently a lot of ppl are saying the the manhwa is a but different from the n... Yerenica <3

    There is no "revenge" she ends up more or less forgiving her shitbag father.

    Akira-Chan July 19, 2021 5:09 pm
    He did that NOT because he felt guilt or remorse for having Keira executed despite knowing she was his daughter. He wasn't a passive bystander He VOTED in favor of her execution and publicly defamed her as bein... H1th3r3

    Darn it! And the fact that i rooted for him! (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    amjs July 19, 2021 5:11 pm
    He did that NOT because he felt guilt or remorse for having Keira executed despite knowing she was his daughter. He wasn't a passive bystander He VOTED in favor of her execution and publicly defamed her as bein... H1th3r3

    Thats mean he didn’t feel guilty about him being a bad ‘father’. He just simply didn’t want his family to fallen. He just want to protect himself. This make me wanna kill him more lol

    H1th3r3 July 19, 2021 5:45 pm
    Thats mean he didn’t feel guilty about him being a bad ‘father’. He just simply didn’t want his family to fallen. He just want to protect himself. This make me wanna kill him more lol amjs

    yes. exactly that.

    Hence, why readers were furious that the author decided to make Keira "forgive" her father in the side stories. In the main story in the end Keira and her brother leave the Parvis house to "travel" since they were fed up with the Duke , their scheming grandfather that murdered their sister etc.
    Basically, everything they have been through.

    However, in a side story, the author puts in a chapter where Keira returns (much to the Duke's suprise) and declares "I'm home".

    H1th3r3 July 19, 2021 5:46 pm
    He did that NOT because he felt guilt or remorse for having Keira executed despite knowing she was his daughter. He wasn't a passive bystander He VOTED in favor of her execution and publicly defamed her as bein... H1th3r3

    *arm-in-arm with Cosette.

    Shiyai July 19, 2021 5:56 pm
    I read somewhere that the Duke was one of the peeps who helped her regress that's why he was acting rather 'strange' than usual in Keira's past life. Akira-Chan

    Nahhh....he just messed up big time. So he wanted to reverse time to repair his mistake that lead to whatever happened after Keira was executed.

    I'm not quite sure why Keira gotbthe memories, but I think the reason he had that recurring nightmare is because the spirit wanted to punish him

    Shiyai July 19, 2021 5:59 pm
    yes. exactly that. Hence, why readers were furious that the author decided to make Keira "forgive" her father in the side stories. In the main story in the end Keira and her brother leave the Parvis house to "t... H1th3r3

    What these (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

    And here I'm happy when someone spoiled me that both siblings go travel and left Parvis.

    I'm really happy if he died a lonely, regretful death

    amjs July 20, 2021 2:27 pm
    yes. exactly that. Hence, why readers were furious that the author decided to make Keira "forgive" her father in the side stories. In the main story in the end Keira and her brother leave the Parvis house to "t... H1th3r3

    The author really messed the whole story up by just a mere side story lol. U have dig ur own grave, author.

    H1th3r3 July 20, 2021 2:33 pm
    The author really messed the whole story up by just a mere side story lol. U have dig ur own grave, author. amjs

    I think they thought by adding the Duke's sidestory which includes his "sad" childhood readers might understand him better. lol no, fuck him. He is worse than demon.

    Her grandfather is another scumbag but at least he cares for his familial bonds (perhaps a bit too much). The Duke couldn't even protect the wife he cared for against the family of the one he didnt.

    amjs July 20, 2021 2:41 pm
    I think they thought by adding the Duke's sidestory which includes his "sad" childhood readers might understand him better. lol no, fuck him. He is worse than demon.Her grandfather is another scumbag but at lea... H1th3r3

    Lol this make him looks more and more pathetic and evil.

    Shiyai July 20, 2021 3:38 pm
    The author really messed the whole story up by just a mere side story lol. U have dig ur own grave, author. amjs

    Indeed....maybe the father is the author's favourite character. That's why he got that plot armor

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Mnemosyne February 17, 2018 2:20 pm

Guysuu can you give me some yaoi that have a sweet yet yandere vibe seme

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