Yam yam shared experience about let me just scream
I just want to throw off this frustration. I get a pishing scam through chat. It says they represent my bank and there's some change on their regulation that I need to fill some questionnaire for them to understand my decision. This message however come from non verified number with profile picture of my bank. Damn hell I would click that virus. S......
Yam yam shared experience about question
People here can make their own topic when sharing things that either question or experience. How to make it?
Yam yam asked question about question
Yam yam asked question about question

I can't find any. People said it was in the home page of any manga. There will be a small flag icon. But I can't find it. I wanna report the problem from my account.

Yam yam asked a question

A depressing BL where bottom can find freedom / happiness in the end. Please I need this for therapy after fucked up manhwa I've just read

Yam yam asked a question

Where mc being done with all the pain they've got. Staggering to find relieve by death. Preferably romance yaoi, but bg is alright too!

Yam yam asked a question

Mc is torn between 2 MLs; a hero and a villain. The hero will choose the greater good over his beloved, while the villain is willing to sacrifice the world for his loved one.

The context (martial arts/ fantasy/ modern/ etc) is okay for anything. Beside manga/hwa/hua, like novel or movie is okay too.

Yam yam asked a question

I need a dose of depression.

Yam yam asked a question

Its psychological BL where ML locked and tortured MC into insanity. He did that for revenge of what MC did in the past. I forget if MC truly amenable or actually a misunderstanding. MC then lost his consciousness and become an empty body. I never read this before, only find about this from comments. Try to find this comment is like finding needle in a haystack, as I've other accounts in different reading platform. If you happen to know similar to this, would be appreciated to let me know.

Yam yam asked a question

Any manga/hwa/hua where the psychologically tortured character lose them self. They awake, but their consciousness is not. They become an empty body because their soul has been tortured too much. Its okay with bad ending. Any genre (BG / BL) its okay, but BL is very much anticipated .

Yam yam asked a question

I come across yt short with disabled comment. I don't know the context of the manhwa and now I'm dying to know

Judging from the art, it looks like a Korean Manhwa. I guess it is BL. The black haired guy taking care of Grey haired guy, but only treated like shit. I wanna know their story. I wish I can add screenshot here.
Here the link of the short; https://youtube.com/shorts/JvZ58N18lwo?si=tdmucdPafcAvvw80

Yam yam asked a question

Please do recommend or any manhwa/hua/nga or novel you know about MC (bl/bg) fall in love too hard that they can't help their self. MC only got hurt by that. MC has the realization that they should let go, but they simply can't. Until MC lose themselves, either death by body or mind. Please, I need the torment this type of story can give.

Yam yam asked a question

It was BG Manga. The MC is fujoshi. She has an elf boyfriend. The elf boyfriend is an office worker (not sure tho, my memory hazy). They live in cohabitation. The girl work in a bookstore where they meet for the first time (again, can be wrong). The elf boyfriend has a long hair which sometime he tied it in ponytail. He also the one who mostly did the household chores. They have a warm dynamic. Sometime, when the girl got aroused by bl manga she read, they will become intimate which a little bit bother the elf boyfriend. He even punish her for not giving what she want after got aroused by bl. So please do share if you know the title.

Yam yam asked a question

MC (Boy / Girl) being frustrated with the univers's law of their role to be a jealous and hopeless villain(ness)/ 2nd (fe)male lead/ supporting character. They have this realization that why of anyone else they must be hopelessy fixed to one guy, which in that universe regarded as the main character's love interest. This MC realized they have looks, wealth, and honor but why they will be losing their mind and insanely immature in front of this one guy. So they despised that role. They hate the idea of insanely loving a guy that didn't want them, while literally they can have their own harem with their beauty and money. They disgusted of that feeling so the story will be their journey to break free form universe's shackle of their role.

Or in simple words, MC that realized they just a character means to boost the main couple love story and hating that role.

I'm just tired of mainstream MC. Now I want the other roles perspective. Please do recommend any manga/hua/nhwa or novel or movie or anime with main character like this.

Yam yam asked a question

I craving hurtful love story so bad. It doesn't have to end with happy ending. Its okay if the protagonist died. I need angst so much that I can't move a finger after feeling the pain. I love it when the protagonist love so hopelessy only to get hurt by the other. Please do give recommendation if you have something like this in mind. Its okay for the genre, either bg or bl just not gl. Gl's area too new for me. Its okay if it is a novel too. I've read too much angst and unrequited love from novelupdates that I can't find more. I did mtl too, even machine translation made my brain hurt, I desperately continue just to get the angst. I'm addicted now I need more

Yam yam asked question about comic recommendations

I craving hurtful love story so bad. It doesn't have to end with happy ending. Its okay if the protagonist died. I need angst so much that I can't move a finger after feeling the pain. I love it when the protagonist love so hopelessy only to get hurt by the other. Please do give recommendation if you have something like this in mind. Its okay for t......


Yam yam created a topic of Jinx

Here just my rampant.

Those comments saying themselves "true readers" accusing other negative feedback as haters and said this comment section has become toxic environment.

What a hypocrisy, when they are actually the one who enjoying this twisted story plot. They hide their reason under ML being not understanding relationship, its just his way of declaring he love MC.

Am i saying every comment with negative tone is pure?
HELL NO. I believe everyone here are readers who enjoy sex scene and some kink as i am. No one pure here.

I just find it so ridiculous for those 'true readers' calling this comment section become toxic of people just hating. If they just wanna hate, they wont have tone of disappointment. They will just type negative comment with no acceptable reason, such as; "Today weather so bad. This manhwa is worse" ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

People all just expressing their honest feeling and opinion. You can't expect all comment must contain praises or discussions of how will JK torture KD next or how hot the humiliation. Honestly I find relieve mostly comments expressing their disappointment of ML behaviour and how the story turns out. It is a proof that while readers might be shenanigans who loved sex scene and red flag dynamics, they have proper bottom line.

So, some will find this manhwa mesmerizing, some will disappointed. Accept it. You can't expect you are so right for loving this since its only fantasy not true event. While honestly I'm questioning your moral and concernly questioning your conduct irl, I'm respecting your taste. We human not pure. However, we need bottom line. You can masturbate with rape scene or licking uncensored explicit sex scene. But please, only if its not humiliation.

But then again~
Its okay if you find humiliation sexy. Thats fine if your moral already long broken. Above is my opinion, not parameter of how being a proper human.

Just, its pathetic you actually hating the one you calling that. You become unacceptable of comments that opposite you. This comment section for everyone to express their feelings and opinions about the manhwa. By expressing that none is right or wrong.

Yam yam created a topic of Jinx

I put on hold so long of reading this just to wait until chapter Uke respect himself. Its been 34 chapters, but he never has progress. Only self pity, never self worth. This chapter humiliation was too much