I don't usually lose my cool with others opinions on translations but today I'm irritated with the way people are criticising translations for being poor, if you're going to criticise then why don't you offer to help with a translation, Remember translators are working from raws which generally aren't their native language and do their best to bring readers something they can understand.
I'm also irritated with the number of translators who are getting on here complaining that someone posted their work without permission, need I remind these people that what they do is breaking copy right and that the whole idea of translating a manga etc is to share the work with owners, fair enough they work hard doing the translation but it 's rude and selfish to say I own this so I'm only going to share with those I choose , KNOW THIS MOST PEOPLE WON'T READ A MANGA etc THAT IS CONTROLLED AND OWNED BY A CERTAIN GROUP, PEOPLE DON'T WANT TO JOIN SIMPLY TO READ A TITLE THEY ARE INTERESTED IN

I'm on both sides of the fence. Yes, I agree that people can be overly rude when complaining about a poor translation. But I also feel that it can be really disappointing sometimes to see what is probably a really good story but was poorly translated by someone with less experience. ONLY because once there is a translation out there, other better groups won't pick it up and give it the work it deserves. And then english-speakers like myself might never give it a chance and the author the recognition they deserve.
But I definitely sympathize with where you're coming from.

tbh,,, i cant disagree with you, they're doing this for free and for us. We're not even paying them, i've been a manga cleaner and typewriter once and oh boy it is time consuming, not to mention i'm busy with work and school too, so i had to quit,, Second, about the translators complaining, you're not wrong, but they usually do it for their website/blog only, and people subscribe or follow so they can see the work, it has download links so you can download the translated manga etc. (u can see their websites in credits page) Not to forget when it's put other than your group's website/blog it is often uncredited and the front page get cuts out (Well, not for mangago.) So they have the right to be upset. They also buy the manga (well some of them) if they live in japan, they scan it, clean, translate, etc. And mangas are expensive. Sorry if this is too long but your argument (esp the 2nd one) is in the gray area. If we talk about (it) being legal, then no, it's not official translations and they're putting it out to read for free, just like Kissanime, or any other manga/anime streaming sites.
https://www.mangaupdates.com has this as a completed title by Hiro Reiichi I can't find a listing for it on any of the manga free sites does anyone happen to know where I can find the scanlated version to read and maybe get uploaded here.