Patrick is a wimp and a disappointment, no matter what he does, his character just keeps getting worse and worse. There isn’t one good thing he did without turning it into utter chaos later. It looked like there was room for improvement and change in him, so I was rooting for him at one point, would’ve been nice, but in the end he’s a villain just like his father, except he doesn’t have a single backbone in him. (Not to mention he didn’t seem to give a damn that his dad killed his mother. Just what kind of child are you really?)

I don’t agree. Patrick did as much as he possibly could despite his crippling low self-esteem, trying to protect his disabled lover and himself from his overbearing father, dealing with a phenomenon (his ability to read minds) that’s mocked in the cult he was born into, and so on. He tried to make it right in the end and that’s why he led Manuel to the storage house so he could get his incubus back.

um, no. He did that so that Manuel wouldn't kill either him or Osmond, he couldn't care less about Manuel's well being by that point (but then he never did, the most he saw him as was a tool, one to use and to earn his low-life-of-a-father's praise), which is why they dropped a frikkin metal cage on him and just abandoned him there. Totally not cool and totally NOT how you "make it right" (if you ask me).

um yes. he did what he thought he could do. I think it was really brave of him actually to reach out to manuel before and after the showdown with his dad's friend despite him feeling like he's going against everything he was taught and brainwashed in the cult up to that point.
listen, I'm here to read a good story not judge characters according to my own code of ethics and bravery. I am able to put myself aside as reader & observer and understand the story/charas as much as the author allows. if you want to stand there and shit on character, go ahead. I don't mind you sharing your opinion, but I simply don't agree with your interpretation.
at the end of the day when I finished reading this manga I was blown away by the complexity of EACH character, what they brought to the table, and how it pulled the story together.

Mhm Inlike your theory so you dont have to take this I'm not trying to argue with you I promise and you dont have to dislike Patrick at all its overall your opinion so please don't get upset by me saying this at all. I get that you see the brave side of patrick but I dont think he care sooo deeply for osmond like yes he liked him but it frustrated me when he knew osmond would surfer if he left like when his father kicked him out the wheel chair. However despite knowing this, patrick said he would just have sex with osmond to fix things like really?? Thats so low. Also I get he couldnt do much but it also pissed me off when he watched Manuel get raped and told the guys to just get rid of him on the side instead of atleast trying to help him just a little of he could. He only grew balls towards the end but ended up turning slightly back when his dad threaten to shoot him. I..no we just wanted to see more from patrick because we really had faith thay he would do good but in the end disappointed us. Sorry for this long story lol

yeah, i noticed. I think it's happy because they are alive and somewhat well, and have each other at least, that is very important. And how about the cost of overcoming his trauma? Before he had his own demons haunting him and now it's some spirits who do, at least he's keeping them out of his mind and Naruko is there to support him. (Right?)
A lot of people seem to agree that it is more or less a happy ending (probably because things could have gone so much worse) therefore the general consensus is that it is, in fact, a happy ending. But the thing about art is that everyone can have their own interpretation of it. So if you prefer thinking it was bad I'm not here to stop you.

I don't disagree he made some subjectively good choices, but he irresponsibly let them fall flat and, as I said, turn for the worse by becoming ignorant, scared and not wanting to deal with them anymore. This man is oblivious to the meaning of the word 'consequences'.
And girl, you're not simply disagreeing with me, you're bashing on me up there on your high chair while pretending you are better than all this simply because you disagree with my opinion. Do you not like people having opinions other than yours? What is your problem and who said you can be this rude? because they were wrong and that is not okay. Did I say something to offend you? Because I don't recall doing that, so DO refresh my memory please
Great manga, indeed, yeah. Pity your words of praise for it feel so shallow and void.
(look, maybe you didn't mean to express yourself like that and it just came off wrong, it can happen, do let me know if that's the case and please try working with your words better next time, okay? I'm not mad, mistakes happen)

you're projecting your own insecurities on what I write so take it as you will. your interpretation of Patrick as a character is infantile. but perhaps you see yourself in him and his decisions and it struck a chord.
the author did a fantastic job humanizing him. as readers we may be like "oh yea I would have done this and this and this" but when faced with circumstances as scary and out-of-control as this fictional occurrence you'd most likely "fail" as well.
anyways my point is that sure have your opinion - never did I say you couldn't in fact I said the opposite. however, I disagree with it and have clearly told you why. hope that helps xo
Gyon: *Triggered by happy couples*
“Y’all should STOP”
Soohwa: “Ok. Then i’m gonna move in with your boyfriend”
Gyon: *WHAT?!?!*