i’m honestly really frustrated this was added into the story like even if they don’t have a threesome it’s just off putting that it happens like why add Rix getting assaulted? like yeah the beginning and the curse are pretty dark shit but i thought the comic was heading into a nice fluffy direction with Nuah that was gonna escalate to them finding a way to get rid of the curse not this and it’s not me being a little bitch bc it deals with assault ive read a ton of psychological manga like nii-chan that deals with worse but i’ll just like to know before heading into something like this and it was completely random even for a drama i really don’t know how to feel with this even if it’s going to be used to further deepen their bond by them overcoming an obstacle or some shit i don’t like it they could’ve done something else i just think it makes it worse bc of how random this is and especially with the build up of fluff compared to a psych where it’s just immediately dark from the start like this gets real dark out of nowhere and now i’m scared to see how Rix will react when he wakes up bc i just know he’s going to have some trauma from this and i really don’t want to see Rix hurt any further :(
i can’t be the only one who noticed the office references right? :o