I actually only read chap 1 and then skipped right to chap 30 onwards till chap 93 and then i backtracked and read 2 to 29 proper bc damn.....
This genuinely is such a fucking good story like,
We have a seme who is truly remorseful for his actions and actively tries to make up for what he put uke through. Tries to do good by the uke.
And then we have an uke who didn't immediately forgive the seme for what he did.
I just think it's real neat that the flow of the story is just real nice like idk man, ive been reading yaoi since the early days and the acknowledgement of pain and asking for forgiveness in a way that makes sense. Real nice lemme tell ya.
I just really like the flow. Is real nice.
Brb I'm gonna go scream in my pillow bc these boys are giving me diabetes