Bear like the answer
Interesting manga, for once I found a great distraction that I felt didn't actually waste my time. I did a quick research and discovered that this Manga was actually part of a oneshot series called Teens Company Chap. 1-3; Teens Company Chap. 4; REMEMBER 4 SIDE Chap. 5; Ato no matsuri And Chap. 6; Colors. I can't find the other chapters to this se......
Bear asked question about question So I just read this oneshot and it left me with a few questions. It's short af so please read it and share your views on what the ending meant. I am also puzzled by the scene of the girl at her home and what all that meant. She said she already ate but she had not. Then there was that scene of her sittin......

Bear followed question about question

Yk once the forums n shi r back it really shwos evolutiton in all of us or some shi like .. in general we got a bit funnier thas it the shit ass 2020 titok humor nad a bunch of yap (ionknwo any other way to call it) to like hood irony seasoned wit that yaoi loving/ hatin mentality is so goofy i dont knwo man jus drop some reaciton pics ;3

17 11,2023
Bear followed question about question

Yk once the forums n shi r back it really shwos evolutiton in all of us or some shi like .. in general we got a bit funnier thas it the shit ass 2020 titok humor nad a bunch of yap (ionknwo any other way to call it) to like hood irony seasoned wit that yaoi loving/ hatin mentality is so goofy i dont knwo man jus drop some reaciton pics ;3

17 11,2023
Bear followed question about stay up too late reading yaoi

What is your 10/10 bls story??

15 11,2023
Bear followed question about question

I think we can beat Reddit’s pick up lines. And yeah, I’ve been watching too much Matt Rose.

03 11,2023
Bear answered question about question
Tell him that you don't reciprocate his feelings. Better to end it as early as possible, since you have realized already. Your friend did say it is a 'trial date' or something so yeah.