Star Fox: Farewell, Beloved Falco is a manga created by Nintendo, and part of the Star Fox series. T...
- Author: Nintendo
- Genres: Action / Adventure / Sci-fi / Shounen / Manga / One Shot
This series follow the adventure of young samurai.In his adventure he finds friends and a man that r...
- Author: idobata kaiji
- Genres: Action / Historical / Shounen
This is a fantasy adventure which unfolds in worlds beyond human imagination. A city where the world...
- Author: KUMAKURA Yuichi
- Genres: Action / Adventure / Fantasy / Mystery / Shounen
From ADV:Soma is a Vaizard, a protector of priceless treasures found in ancient tombs and ruins. As ...
- Author: YOSHIDA Michihiro
- Genres: Action / Fantasy / Shounen / Supernatural
Youkai are specters who have lived in the human world since the dawn of time. They often rest peacef...
- Author: MIZUKI Shigeru
- Genres: Adventure / Comedy / Shounen / Supernatural
A series of natural disasters has reduced the world to rubble, with the survivors doing whatever the...
- Author: YAMAGUCHI Takayuki
- Genres: Action / Sci-fi / Shounen / Supernatural
The city of Sternbild is home to many people of different races, backgrounds, and those who are call...
- Author: sunrise
- Genres: Action / Comedy / Drama / Mecha / Shounen / Supernatural
A high-tech adventure set in a digital world. Sam Flynn, when he was a child, has been told stories ...
- Author: WASHIO Naohiro
- Genres: Action / Adventure / Fantasy / Sci-Fi / Shounen
The duty of the Twelve Apostles is to seek out and destroy the vampires of this world. Bearing a gru...
- Author: KARASAWA Kazuyoshi
- Genres: Shounen / Supernatural
From WikipediaIn the manga and anime, Tiger Mask (whose real name was Naoto Date) was a feared heel ...
- Author: KAJIWARA Ikki
- Genres: Action / Shounen / Sports
Summary: Kei often gets involved in fights, despite of him being weak and always end up losing... O...
- Author: fukui takumi
- Genres: Action / Shounen / Supernatural
Emma and her friends have a pretty good life at the orphanage they grew up in. Though the rules may ...
- Author: Kaiu Shirai,Posuka Demizu
- Genres: Mystery / Psychological
Mairimashita! Iruma-kun is the story of Suzuki Iruma, who has been sold to the demon by his irrespon...
- Author: Osamu Nishi
- Genres: Comedy / Fantasy / School Life / Supernatural / Shounen
the story of Sherlock Holme's arch-nemesis. Moriarty...
- Author: TAKEUCHI Ryousuke,MIYOSHI Hikaru
- Genres: Drama / Mystery / Seinen
- Author: horikoshi kouhei,neda hirofumi
- Genres: Comedy / Fantasy / School Life / Sci-fi / Shounen
Within the human body there is said to be approximately 60 million cells. White blood cells, red blo...
- Author: Shimizu Akane
- Genres: Action / Comedy / Medical / Shounen / [no chapters]
"Those who clear quests, shall receive everything." An RPG adventure with HCLW and his all...
- Author: Kim Se Hun
- Genres: Action / Shounen / Webtoons / Comedy / Drama / Fantasy
In a world where technicians wield the select humans who can turn into weapons, Shinigami-sama creat...
- Author: ookubo atsushi
- Genres: Action / Comedy / Fantasy / Shounen / Supernatural