zaricorn14 September 11, 2017 12:33 am

can anyone recommend a haikyuu dj preferably kuro and tsukii sorry I can't rmr how to spell their names but the tsuki character has glasses. Also any recommendations that aren't by kuroquis and kuroo I read those already (⌒▽⌒)

zaricorn14 September 10, 2017 1:48 am

can anyone recommend a haikyuu dj preferably kuro and tsukii sorry I can't rmr how to spell their names but the tsuki character has glasses. Also any recommendations that aren't by kuroquis and kuroo I read those already (⌒▽⌒)

zaricorn14 September 8, 2017 6:10 am

so the seme has long hair and I think the seme and uke met online. The seme lied about his age, he said he was in university but he was actually a senior in high school I think. Also I think the uke turned out to be a teacher at his school

zaricorn14 May 2, 2017 3:13 pm

This manga is about an uke who is scolded for his face, he is said to have a resting troubled face.(btw this is when he was like in elementary school I think). When he was being scolded a senpai comes and tells the sensei that it's not fair to scold someone for their face(or something like that). From then on the uke has had a crush on this guy. Then in university, he made a friend because of a game or something and this friend invited him to hang out with his friends. When he goes to hang out he sees senpai and then senpai's friends goes to talk to the uke and he ends up being invited to their drinking game

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