Randomowy's feed

…if the other person is so distant to you that you didn’t even know they were married and just found out they divorced, what makes you think you have the right to interfere in their personal business? I get it if they were closer, she knew her work bestie had a husband and felt somehow morally compelled to do so - either to tell the guy she’s taken so he doesn’t get his hear broken, or cause she had a suspicion her bestie is a cheater and it didn’t sit with her well. But think about it for a sec: your coworker never mentioned her marriage and suddenly brings up divorce. My first thought would be “oof, it must be some complicated relationship, if not abusive, I better be careful about the topic”. NOT: oh, she’s probably lying about the divorce and possibly cheating with this young hot dude, I better butt in!!! Like, what are you trying to achieve??? If she’s divorced, then it’s their business what’s going on between them. And if you think she lied about the divorce - on what basis??? You’re not close enough to know she’s been married, why do you think you know her well enough to tell thar she’s lying?