I read so many similar stories that I mix them all up so I usually write myself like a recap of major events but for this story I haven’t written one for some reason. I literally only realized I’ve read it once I started to re-read it and I was like hold on... This is way to familiar. Anyways, I literally don’t remember anything and I don’t wanna re-read cause at the same time I remember too much so I would appreciate it if someone could remind me what happened till now (any events, trivia, relationship dynamics, struggles that the MC has faced…)

It's not much but I'll share what I remember:
FL was married to the ex (shitty) guy that has a high position in society (I don't remember if he is the prince/duke/whatever) but he had a previous lover and spent his time with the lover. After the lover plan stuff to accuse the GL of a adultery (the irony) with the knight dude, the ex proposes divorce and she happily accepts. The grandfather in law doesn't know of this at the beginning and is pissed that they broke it without his consent and so he is forcing the ex to take her back, all while acting cute towards the FL. I think it is implied that he knows the GL is special somehow and wants her power for his son. Of course the ex is giving the feeling that he may like her now that he can't have her, classic. Oh and I think it is implied that the lover doesn't really love him? She just wants him for power so she is trying to make possible-grandfather-in-law to accept her (failing) and putting the "villainess" reputation to the FL.
Then we have Einz (knight dude) which is a childhood friend of FL and wants to protect her and has a weird curse that FL has apparently healed in the recent chapters, furthering making him fall for her. He is of low background but was a good knight so now he is respected (or something like that).
Lastly we have the ex's younger cousin (Black haired guy) which met the FL when she first entered the palace and slowly fell for her while she was married and wanted to take care of her and gave her gifts, but she saw it in. Platonic way due to the age difference and because she was already married. Now that she is free he is jumping on the opportunity and even invited her to a ball (where the ex obv got jelous) and he is showing her he now has power and respect and all that stuff and he is better than the ex (it's honestly hard to be worst tho). I may be wrong on this but I think there was the subplot of the grandfather having 2 children, with the ex being his nephew from the first one and the black haired dude being the "hidden" son of the other one, but the ex discovered it when he was younger and do he started to despise the black haired dude because he was afraid he could steal his position.
Lastly the FL after divorce opened her backery and was successful, the ex's lover tried to make her look bad but she was smarter and basically the lover digger her own grave by showing she is incompetent comparent to the FL. And lately she has these magical power that make her heal people apparently?
I thiiink i covered the major points and I hope it makes sense!

...asking cause the art is very pretty but the storyline itself is so fast-paced and messy. Like, writing-wise it reminds me of something on the level of mediocre fanfiction on wattpad, you know? The scenes seem very out of context and just randomly happening one after another, there is no pacing or logic. The motivations and thought-processes of characters are just not there, they are all very one-dimensional to the point they seem grotesque. Did the author only want to set a scene for the story in a clumsy way or is it the whole story that’s written like that?

Well, maybe it’s less about the logic but more about the lack of connections between the events? We are presented with the info that her dad invested some money in the husband’s family, apparently his bankruptcy was somehow caused by that (how?) and FL blames the husband for the death of her father. But she believes he died of illness so why would it be their fault? Is it the classic “he fell ill of emotional distress” type of thing? And yeah, it is suggested that it was the step-mom who somehow caused his death but still, FL for years blamed his illness on husbands family somehow.
Oh and then we randomly find out that her STEP MOM tried to seduce her HUSBAND? What the hell was that about? So random.
Also we don’t even find out why they married in the first place. There is one childhood flashback but her dad was alive when they were getting married, her family was the one in power and it was the husband’s family who needed that power but they were treating her shitty even on the marriage fay? What was the power dynamic? Who is her family and who is her husband’s family?
She suddenly gets chased out the same day they inform her of the divorce, then appears in her family mansion and gets chased out by her step mom, and while she is by the river cliff considering jumping, she suddenly gets approached by her now ex husband with his new girl who are on the walk, like what? What were they doing on the walk there? In the middle of the forest, near her family house? And the girl tells her “oh if you wanna find out about your fathers death then go to the village your step mom is from. Or actually, nevermind, I’m gonna stab you now so screw that”. That stabbing scene was also so random. You get where I’m coming from? It was the first time we met the mistress character, we know nothing about her so it just seems like she’s “pure evil”, we don’t get shown any of her motivations, goals or where she’s coming from.
Then that scene with the king was also so unnatural. She woke up and went “wait, are you perhaps the king of x kindgom” “ye, that’s me, pledge your loyalty and help me with my revenge”. It’s not necessarily BAD it’s just so unnatural and rushed.
Sorry for the rant hahshsh Hope you at least enjoyed it. But yeah, I guess what I mean is that I’m more used to the authors taking their time to introduce the characters, explain the relationships, the motivations of everyone and this one felt a bit like a soap opera. Maybe the author does go into detail later on but that’s why I’m asking if it does get better or it’s just the writing style.

For her father,
Tbh she's saying that her father died of emotional distress due to her husband delayed to return his money to her father.
And only after the villain told her now she also know the step mother are to be blamed too.
The step mother tried to seduce her husband probably want to add more insult to MC.
They married because the husband pushed MC when they were young and he said he will responsible for her whole life afterward. Also, her husband intention is to get MC family's wealth to be put into his business.
What power dynamics? MC and husband family is noble in conservative country.
The author probably put alot shits in 1 day so that audiences flips the table.
Tbh, The now ex husband and villain girl probably followed her so that villain can tell everything and stab her. There is a reason why she stopped MC and stabbed her right away. Tell me if you want me to spoil em.
She knew ML because they met during her wedding day. If Im not mistaken, he did asked why shts happened. Then, he asked her if she want to do some revenge.
I agree with you that it's look so rushed tbh.
Idk if it's getting better or it's writing style but someone who read the novel verson said they stopped because they almost died due to high blood pressure. Loll
I’m too impatient and the alternative universe story progresses rather slowly - can anyone tell me which chapter of the novel (more or less) is the webtoon covering rn?
Hiii. Where do you read the novel?
https://knoxt.space/into-the-rose-garden/ i read it here ^^
It just finished v2 chap 2. So you’ll have to read ‘Can’t Escape’ but please start from the beginning they cut a lot of things out of thr manhwa…
Thank you~
I’m gonna see if I can handle going through that hell of their first life together again but maybe I’ll tryy
Oh the first part of vol 1 is on https://chrysanthemumgarden.com/novel-tl/itrg/itrg-1/
Goodluck on vol 1. It’s hard to read but you’ll understand this story more, and it’s a lot deeper than it looks as you get farther. I enjoyed reading it.
The author used the omegaverse lore in a really haunting way, it’s not too obvious in vol 1, but like a puzzle it does connect. V5 should be out by the time you finish, hopefully hahaha the wait is killing people (⊙…⊙ )