fujosexual created a topic of Ways of Parting

It hurts soooo GOOOD!!

I swear this novel has all the right feels. Plus I don't know why people in comments are hating the ex but being in the situation that every one was, their actions and emotions are totally valid. That aside, no matter what everyone deserves to find their happiness in the end, and i so glad that the mc and ml ended up together despite their trauma and knowing that life would not be easy living with the baggage they carry yet they can only rely on the feelings they have for each other and do the best on their own and for each other. If that's not the most beautiful thing idk what is.

fujosexual followed a list

Everything you ever wanted to know about fetishes* 
*but were afraid to ask

Be aware that many of these manga are {{{HARDCORE}}}
but you already knew that. Why else would you come here ;)

This is an ALL INCLUSIVE list. Some subject matter may be disturbing.

This list shows one manga for each fetish, but more manga with the same fetish may 
be linked under the same entry. Also: links that provide more information about the fetish.

If you like this list, please consider recommending it.
~ J

26 11,2023
fujosexual asked a question

Could anyone recommend me some goood school yaoi manhwa? pls cause I feel like I have read them all and can't seem to find any. Much Appreciated!