firstly I just want to sat Roy is looking FINE~~ in his new armour.
and secondly, if I was ever in love and the person I was in love with decided to up and leave like Emel, without actually saying why and trampling over my heart like he did to Estelle, I would move on. I would obviously cry because my heart was broken but I would never be able to forgive the person who broke it, even if I loved them at one point.

I keep thinking, why does there have to be one ML?? cant she just like marry all of the ones she falls for??
Do any of you know any stories with a female lead (preferably of the reincarnation genre, but others are fine) that actually marries multiple people? like not just has friendly relations with multiple and chooses one or none, actually decides to marry multiple lovers because why the hell not?
I kinda feel sorry for her other three consorts, they don't get a lot of time from her, sure they did some dodgy stuff in the beginning but it's been so long since and they did stay as her husbands unlike the few who did take the divorce... I'll take all three if she doesn't want them.
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭(▰˘◡˘▰)
This is exactly what we need to appreciate flower Bois(≧∀≦)
She made it clear that she would treat them nicely and protect them if they stayed, but that she would not have sex with them or welcome them into her bed because of how they treated her body's original owner. They agreed, and she's held up her end of the bargain. She spoils them and protects them, and they get to live a leisurely life.