She die not knowing love.
If there's no reincarnation, she also never know how much her family love her too but it's too late. He should do it before making misunderstood worse and make her kill herself. Everything is too late. U can't bring back and dead and tell her that u love her. She's already gone.
This is her third life, she die her first life then reincarnated in modern life and back again. But still. I hate the dad. Everyone said she jump too conclusion. But look how he treat her. Give her cold shoulder. Never visit her. Make her lost and make her misunderstood, that's why she left this world. Like, he want her to understand him but give her cold shoulder and ignore her? Too late bij. I hate u, if u start to explains n talk properly, tragedy will never happened.
I want her to become tyrant!!!! Kill them all YASHHHHH!!! They all so hateful
She already killed them in the past and now in the future she want a different plan tho hehehe
she's doesn't deserve this. I hope in this life she live a happy life and could die peacefully. And that little sister should just die sjsbjidbhdhdbd
I'd wish suffering upon all the trash family.
I'm waiting for them to suffer again tho hahaha but lets wait for the FL new plan