I had to re read to get the whole thing about the dying arse. One question tho: was he really raped? I don't think he was because the arse interrupted because Jisso was his so no one else could touch him (refers to the analogy of the dog) but still, correct me if I'm wrong.
Ii was a very nice story but I think it needed more in deep explanations because there are still some missing thingies and we, readers, love to have answers from the authors themselves, not for them to leave us with an open ending which most of the time, in my opinion, sucks.
So you came back after 4 years of silence, say you're sorry one time and that's it. You're forgiven. The uke was depressed, has trust issues while seme... oh he was studying because he enjoys it. I thought it was going to be a nice ending because it was a nice story but no, that ending was crap. Put yourselves in uke's position and see if you would have forgiven him.
If this is realistic enough then they won't come back together. Put yourself in uke's position for a minute: there's the person you love wholeheartedly and leaves you for four years and not even a text from him. Would you forgive him? Would you you be such an idiotic person as to forgive that ass?
This is mangwha of course they're coming back together but in real life I wouldn't have even said hello to that bitch. 4 years, my dudes, four years! My heart would have turned into stone.
They deserve to break up, now they had their closure but then again, this is mangwha and they'll forgive each other. Lame.
Ok, but what did the guy that got punched say about our boy?
I know he talked trash but like what exactly?
I think that was the sign language for "Stupid" or "Crazy" or "dumb" but don't quote me though I'm not too sure although whichever it was it was clearly mocking Taiichi