Intersex DOES NOT mean having both sets of genitalia. Though intersex ppl CAN have both, it's very rare that someone does, but intersex people are not as uncommon as one may think.
In very simple terms, intersex = non-standard sex-based traits - physically, chromosomal, hormonally and/or anatomically.
They may have sex chromosomes other than the standard XX or XY, such as XXY. Or have male genitalia but have ovaries. It's a pretty broad umbrella term.
Whether these traits present physically (ie in their genitalia) or not is a case-by-case basis. A lot of people are intersex without even knowing it because some traits can develop well past puberty or may not affect their everyday lives much.
DISCLAIMER!! This is a pretty general overview from someone who only briefly researched it in school. It is a very complex topic, so I encourage everyone to do their own research beyond this. I just wanted to throw in some clarifications since I see some ppl getting confused in the comments :)

also if ur looking for more trans rep in manga check out Boys run the riot, i think its super cutie heheh

If y'all want the rest of the chapters faster, BUY THEM ON RENTA! Support the industry legally if you have the means to.
Also this is listed as completed because serialization is complete, even tho all the chapters aren't uploaded here. THERE ARE 5 CHAPTERS TOTAL, THIS IS NOT A ONESHOT

If you want to, also tell me what u think of my scans. If y'all think they're good enough, i have another series i can pick up. Or if any of you have raws (pref spanish but i can work with Portuguese or japanese or chinese, tho they'll be less accurate (or any language if ur fine with a reworked google translate lmao)) you can send em my way

ikr. most of the time people want a faster update while reading illegally. i mean if you don't have $ but still have the audacity to ask for some "good services" then you better shut up because you don't owe them anything as you pay nothing for it
also i love the quality & some explanations on this series! keep up the good work ヾ(☆▽☆)
after 3 years of waiting its finally back omg TTTT
praying that a scan group translates the new volume quickly!!!