Tell me why I forgot TikTok was getting banned and I went to try to go to my favorite to find a Bl recommendation I saved so I could read it but instead I got my heart broken
I don’t know why I didn’t make the connection early on. ADAM AND EVE (if you don’t know, they were the first humans created by God)
It makes me wonder why the author chose the names (」゚ペ)」
just kidding but man the cover is so pretty I wished I could draw like that
Since there are a lot of folks on here quick question? It is not BL or GL related not even straight, just a question. What is your favorite short to watch that has little romance or no romance at all or the show isn't focused on romance?
I'm not gonna judge anyone's taste but the author seems a little bit like a pedo, and this story is so creepy yes I am. (Why is his sister drinking his breast milk?) again not here to judge what anyone is reading. ( ̄∇ ̄")
lost count of how many times they came back tbh but this means we gonna get some good action scenes! Yuppie (ノ≧∇≦)ノ
Umm I don’t know what to think, at the end I was just hoping he would kill himself. This is basically porn with a little plot.
Author please don't ever touch a pen again
There a k drama with a plot like this and if this is based off that I know the ending already Σ(っ°Д °;)っ
Does anyone know what chapter the beta x alpha side story starts at?
So I’m looking for a manga(?) and I don’t remember the name but I do know one of the characters who follow the mc( mc a male) is a blue head dragon if I remember correctly he’s still a bay one but the blue head looks somewhat lil a girl. They travel with another person as well, a girl. The last chapter I stop at was the Mac fighting and escaping from Jail (⌒▽⌒)