BaskingintheSun created a topic of Shota Oni

The only time an entire audience has begged for a time skip I'm sure.

Because I can't express how much I hate it. I wish there was a tag in the title or some such. I understand there are people who ship them, but it's not my cup of tea, so a tag at the top would really help.

BaskingintheSun created a topic of Little Mushroom

Thank you for the lovely uploads. I just have a note about the slogan on the wall. According to the novel (tbh I read the translated version, so I may also be mistaken), the correct slogan is "Human Interest precedes all (else)". Just a note for the future, since it's a phrase that appears a lot in the novel. I hope this wasn't rude.

Thank you again!

The story is cute but the translator's notes at the end are cuter. I don't know who you are, but in my heart you're a cutie patootie. <3<3<3

I know he fucked ypu stupid, but you can't just go along with what he says. I don't think I've read a story in a while one partner is quiet so unaware about the other . How are you falling for these shit suggestions?? MAKE A STAND!! I mean, I know he loves you and will take care of you and ghis is romantic and shit, but sir, you're a person. Show some autonomy

I always hate lines like, "She's your only mother."

I had lovely parents, but that just further cements that the way you are treated matters. I love them boy just because we share blood, but because they took the time to build a bond with me and treat me well. This nonsense of "only mother"-- what about the fact that he was her only child??? She left him to fate where he would be abused and she knew it too. What about that makes her motherly?

That being said, Jiho getting outed on the street like that when he's an easily recognizable face in a conservative society may cause issues in his career and impact his family negatively.

BaskingintheSun created a topic of Waterside Night

I'm going to physically rip apart all the old farts involved by my goddamned teeth.

P.S- Love that scene where he shakes after/ as the adrenaline is leaving his body. It's lovely when artists and writers keep track of functions like that and responses like shock.

BaskingintheSun created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Ofc the boy is going to misunderstand. Cirrus has been stand-offish and snapping at him out of nowhere, has shown absolutely wild behavior in front of Chan-il (throwing the deink at Skylar???) and won't let him in on stuff.

He suddenly saw Cirrus getting beat up too, after being his best friend for years, and knows that he isn't being seen as a support.

Add in that Skylar has also been pulling away from Chan Il bc of yours truly, and the only real, emotional connection outside of his parents in the main cast is this girl. Ofc the man is gonna be shook . Also, frankly, I don't trust Cirrus that much (apparently he's a pookie, I just don't see it). I feel like this was a final touch on top of everything else as some sort of revenge for being close with Skylar.

Is this story any good? I saw it recommended but the rating doesn't give me hope

BaskingintheSun created a topic of I Am The Villain

Honestly, the art is wasted on this story. People fall in love in seconds, you can't have a moment of seriousness without some lame awkwardness the next moment (which all the MLs adore ofc) and there's absolutely no buildup or pacing. Whatever reel you've seen on Insta or TikTok has alluded to more depth than this story has. If you want to switch off your brain and read some low stakes story with lovely art, this is the story for you.

Translation is smooth. Thank you to the team.

BaskingintheSun created a topic of Kill My Love

I can't get over how useless the MC despite apparently being a world class assassin.

BaskingintheSun created a topic of Little Mushroom

What a great set if chapters! You were true to the novel and conveyed the information neatly, though I'm sure the languageust have been complex.

Thank you for the upload!

BaskingintheSun created a topic of Secret Lady

I cannot for the world of me understand anything after the extras. Thank you for uploading, but the work needs a bit more polish. There are sudden changes in pronouns and titles which is very confusing

Maybe it's the way they draw his smile? It looks more evil than wild. Even his interactions with the MC feel off

BaskingintheSun created a topic of Regas

The death of the bear is coming closer, the twink is looming over us as we read

He had no interest in her when she was from a poorer background, and he only confessed his love when she had been granted an elevated status. Even then, he wasn't ready to take any losses in the name of love- he expected HER to make the sacrifice. And as stated, she "Became the most noble lady in the empire". Johannes's love wasn't worth shit.

He didn't even think of his wife while nearing his death. He was still fixated on his first love. And Shiuri wasn't even a person to him- only an object. A rose in a field of grass. Her wellbeing wasn't really a concern. He just wanted his fantasy satisfied.

All throughout the story, every character praises Johannes for having chosen Shiuri. They wonder how he knew she'd be devoted to his family, how he knew how smart she was. He didn't. He didn't know shit. He didn't give a damn about his family, and only had a passing concern for her.

He bought a 14 year old girl as a replacement and abused her.

Johannes, the man that you are, they could never make me like you.

Idk how to explain it. For some reason the relationship seems unhealthy

Does anyone have it? I must read the author's original words

BaskingintheSun created a topic of Jinx

That's the only way I see him getting out of this