DieyckRider2312's experience ( All 0 )

DieyckRider2312's answer ( All 2 )

Almost every weekday or my everyday school life omg.. Waking up 5:30am just to cook, then take a bath and get ready for school (6:20am, I have trouble swallowing food when I havent gotten out of bed that long) public commute, and then hell begins at 7am, 1 hour per subject until 12pm and then it starts again at 1pm until 5pm and got forced to stay......   reply
20 12,2023
What kind of bullshit is this   reply
30 10,2023

DieyckRider2312's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did read bl on my brother's laptop

yeah and the bitch caught me cuz i forgot to close the tabs

4 hours
did can i get an amen

I mean I guess. Idk. Why are you asking me...

22 hours
did become mutuals on twitter

one time i thought a made a friend but then they just said "omg lets be mutuals" and i cried myself to sleep. why canf gay people be normal.

22 hours