riss September 11, 2024 4:57 am

no guys can we please talk about how how the drug taeju was given WAS NOT MEDICALLY SAFE

    Violetdepravity September 11, 2024 5:45 am

    Yeah double standards to it's finest... If it is the other way around... Taeju will get all the hate again... But it's okay if uke did it lol

    Celii95 September 11, 2024 6:13 am
    Yeah double standards to it's finest... If it is the other way around... Taeju will get all the hate again... But it's okay if uke did it lol Violetdepravity

    I don’t think that’s valid in this situation since Taeju did rape him in the beginning

riss September 5, 2024 4:59 am


riss September 4, 2024 5:14 am

so glad everyone is catching on to the story and art style quality decrease. it really is just sad at this point, i hope the story wraps up soon.

    Ernie September 4, 2024 6:54 am

    Right it’s so upsetting ! :(

    Riren September 4, 2024 9:25 am

    you don't know what problems an artist can have and how difficult it is to have to draw even when you're not in the mood, you're sick, etc. A little respect wouldn't be bad.

    RAAAAAAA September 4, 2024 6:27 pm
    you don't know what problems an artist can have and how difficult it is to have to draw even when you're not in the mood, you're sick, etc. A little respect wouldn't be bad. Riren


    AgiaSimp September 4, 2024 7:15 pm
    you don't know what problems an artist can have and how difficult it is to have to draw even when you're not in the mood, you're sick, etc. A little respect wouldn't be bad. Riren

    100% agree

    riss September 5, 2024 4:50 am
    you don't know what problems an artist can have and how difficult it is to have to draw even when you're not in the mood, you're sick, etc. A little respect wouldn't be bad. Riren

    Take a freaking hiatus then. I'm a writer, I get that burnout happens with long projects, and you know what I do when I don't want to write the book i'm working on? I stop, look up writing prompts, and write 300 word daily writing prompts for a week or so.

    What I do not do, is submit half-assed work.

    I would respect the author if they acknowledged the problem and took a break or did something about it, but they are trying to sweep it under the rug and finish this story at the cost of the elegance and inventiveness of the original plot.

    Riren September 5, 2024 12:24 pm
    Take a freaking hiatus then. I'm a writer, I get that burnout happens with long projects, and you know what I do when I don't want to write the book i'm working on? I stop, look up writing prompts, and write 30... riss

    Your comment is so egoist and not sense. This is your experience not the author of this manhwa. We are not all the same. she has to eat with what she does. I don't think you do the same. by the way I don't see this drop in quality that you talk about. I imagine what a great writer you are.

    RAAAAAAA September 6, 2024 3:48 pm
    Take a freaking hiatus then. I'm a writer, I get that burnout happens with long projects, and you know what I do when I don't want to write the book i'm working on? I stop, look up writing prompts, and write 30... riss

    complain to the author then, to the legal site.

    riss September 7, 2024 5:18 am
    complain to the author then, to the legal site. RAAAAAAA

    i don't see how this is relevant to the issue at hand

    riss September 7, 2024 5:31 am
    Your comment is so egoist and not sense. This is your experience not the author of this manhwa. We are not all the same. she has to eat with what she does. I don't think you do the same. by the way I don't see ... Riren

    You're right; I am autistic, which does contribute to some of my callousness. Regardless, in a professional setting, one should be setting their best work forward when possible. If it is not possible, it is the duty of the presenter, in any scenario to acknowledge this and seek help of some kind.

    Now, as for the art itself. This is quite easy: simply compare the art from chapter 1 to the most recent chapter. The change has been gradual so we haven't noticed it deteriorating, but now it has become painfully obvious. There is not longer attention to detail in Ken's hair, the unique sketchiness is gone, and the art style has become mainstream– blase.

    The story line has also had a quality drop. The author drew out season 1, giving us long, detailed chapters. In the creator's note, they imply they were planning for 5 seasons... but in the season 2 creator's note, they say only four. Now, I think they are just rushing to shove it all into the 3rd season because nothing is making sense and we're just getting sex filler to rekindle chemistry with the characters. That is just a cheap ploy to keep readers at bay, but many of us are starting to catch on.

    riss September 7, 2024 5:36 am
    complain to the author then, to the legal site. RAAAAAAA

    Sorry, let me rephrase. I skimmed your comment and misunderstood it at first.

    I should not be responsible for identifying a stranger's break down. I can be critical from a distance. Do you think that simply because I dislike a certain musician's song, that I will reach out to them instead of merely discussing it among friends? No, clearly not.

    Those closest to us and our own selves are responsible for monitoring our mental, physical, and emotional health. It is also the responsibility of the editor, in this case. I believe that they have excused this poor quality of work simply to have any work to showcase.

    Cookiesan September 8, 2024 5:51 am
    Sorry, let me rephrase. I skimmed your comment and misunderstood it at first.I should not be responsible for identifying a stranger's break down. I can be critical from a distance. Do you think that simply beca... riss

    Man…. It’s not that deep, many manwhas change style by the end, I don’t think the work is half assed, it just changed, taking a hiatus would make the audience mad, and you know what happens when they want more money, they shorten the chapters, it always happens, and if you don’t like filler sex, don’t read fucking yaoi, yaoi is always 80% sex I completely respect your opinions, but I can’t just not say it, IF YOU ARE READING ILLEGALY DO NOT COMPLAIN

    riss September 8, 2024 7:04 am
    Man…. It’s not that deep, many manwhas change style by the end, I don’t think the work is half assed, it just changed, taking a hiatus would make the audience mad, and you know what happens when they want... Cookiesan

    I'm not complaining about the scan, for goodness sake, nor am I complaining about the actual story. I'm literally just disappointed. I had expected better from the author when the story started, and they haven't followed through. If it's "not that deep," you are welcome to disengage with me.

riss September 2, 2024 6:53 am

i'd watch this animal cam

riss August 30, 2024 7:09 am

that twink has more edges and bumps than the cucumbers his hair is modeled after.

riss August 26, 2024 5:44 am

freaking sapphics [i'm jealous]

riss August 26, 2024 5:41 am

guys let's just assess for a second, how would we feel if the drugging was reversed? because it's really fucking shitty either way.

    MooMoo August 26, 2024 5:58 am

    Why is everyone saying he drugged him? Am I blind? i keep looking back at the panels but dont see it ಥ_ಥ I honestly thought "Oh he's in close proximity after a long time thats why he's rutting"

    Pretzel August 26, 2024 6:21 am
    Why is everyone saying he drugged him? Am I blind? i keep looking back at the panels but dont see it ಥ_ಥ I honestly thought "Oh he's in close proximity after a long time thats why he's rutting" MooMoo

    The water he gave him, he drugged it

    adélie August 26, 2024 7:24 am
    The water he gave him, he drugged it Pretzel

    Howd u even kno

    Randomfujoshi August 26, 2024 8:35 am
    Howd u even kno adélie

    He as the neighbor guy for something, and he works for a company that does a/b/o drugs and stuff ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ they didn't go too deep into it but he did gave something to Euiyung and he asked if he's sure about it, and he said for all that Taeju did that this is nothing..? Something like that ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    MELI August 26, 2024 10:25 am

    People don't care if we're being real here

    Imdatshorty August 26, 2024 12:34 pm

    if roles were reversed? the entire BL starts with euihyun getting raped then again during the chapters of taeju’s heat,, the drugging IS roles being reversed

    Pretzel August 26, 2024 1:53 pm
    Howd u even kno adélie

    In the restaurant he got something from the other guy, he took it and why do you think he was so desperate to give him water? It's pretty obvious

    MooMoo August 26, 2024 2:31 pm

    Ok, im reading the whole restaurant chapter again

    adélie August 27, 2024 6:32 pm
    Ok, im reading the whole restaurant chapter again MooMoo

    Me too lmao

    riss August 30, 2024 6:24 am
    if roles were reversed? the entire BL starts with euihyun getting raped then again during the chapters of taeju’s heat,, the drugging IS roles being reversed Imdatshorty

    and no one was cheering, we were all chiding taeju; aside from the sick fucks in the back.

    MooMoo August 30, 2024 6:03 pm
    and no one was cheering, we were all chiding taeju; aside from the sick fucks in the back. riss

    "No one was cheering" "Aside from" (• ▽ •;)

    riss August 31, 2024 3:29 am
    "No one was cheering" "Aside from" (• ▽ •;) MooMoo

    i'm not sure i'd call the sick fucks in the back 'people'

riss August 25, 2024 5:10 am

this art style has me so down bad, I WANT TO EAT THEM BOTH, I'M LICKING MY COMPUTER FOR FUCKS SAKE.

    hitch August 25, 2024 6:13 am

    they look so edible i get you

riss August 24, 2024 6:10 am

seth and horus remind of me of the hot dad wolf and baby potato, y'know? i am morally worried to watch seth turn from guncle to boyfriend :|

    Mwahaminimi August 24, 2024 7:39 pm

    I meant to down vote. Because... Why are you here if you're not here for th obvious couple in the cover?

    riss August 25, 2024 5:18 am
    I meant to down vote. Because... Why are you here if you're not here for th obvious couple in the cover? Mwahaminimi

    Thanks for asking: i was here initially (and still) for the interesting plot and initial competition thing because of the enemies to lovers. Now for the romance, unfortunately... it's feeling more incestuous with every single 'uncle' and how Seth treats Horus as a child.

    Seth sees Horus and incompetent and infantile, he doesn't really see him as a god or mature adult. Additionally, Horus still primarily calls Seth 'uncle', which doesn't bode well. We've been at this for 166 chapters and nothing has changed. I don't know how much longer this is going to go for, but considering that it's been a real slow burn, I would love to see some change in character dynamics starting soon. Unfortunately, I have a bad feeling that the plot will finish with little thought for the romance, so the 'couple' will be rushed and there will be little development or time for perspectives to change.

    Mwahaminimi August 25, 2024 4:37 pm

    Bare with me for this is very long:

    This story isn't an enemies to lovers. That's what Seth thinks, until Horus clarifies that he was never his enemy, and only fought him because of his mother.

    When has Seth seen Horus incompetent in S2? In all S1, yeah he did. Seth was an incredible powerful god, so of course he saw everyone beneath him. And in all honestly, Horus isn't the most mature in some aspects. Horus is very "life" smart but not when it comes to love and handling his desires, he's not very mature. He's very stubborn, jealous, needy, and neglects his responsibilities, but that's what makes him a great character in the sense of being the perfect individual that CAN be there for Seth. Seth needs someone who is as stubborn as he, Seth needs someone to rely on and someone who looks up to him --proving that he isn't alone in the world and never will be alone anymore. Seth has been hated for thousands of years, he's been lonely, scared, and unhappy. Seth needs someone who willing to neglect his responsibilities in order to be there for him and protect him when he can't do it alone.

    Seth is slowly learning, even if it's frustrating, that he needs help right now in the story. When he's tried to do things alone, it's been bad news for him and bad things happen to him.

    Horus is there to help Seth with his atonement, at least to hold him and keep him from disappearing or when Seth is unable to come out of those episodes when he's is being overpowered with those souls. Horus is not giving Seth a pass for the malicious and evil doings he did, but he is the only one knows that Seth at heart. That Seth is a kind and loving individual who's hurt yet strong. So, with being the only one who knows this, Horus desperately feels that being with Seth and following him is the best course of action. Horus loves him and cares for him.

    Horus knows what it's like to be a demigod, and Seth doesn't have any blessings from any god, so that makes him an especially weak demigod, he knows what it's like to be sick and weak, and do Seth it's all foreign. But I understand that Horus isn't perfect. He's a little overprotective and a wee bit too jealous, especially when it comes to Anubis. But that's his immaturity coming out. By being overbearing and overprotective, Seth isn't getting his dignity as a man and as a past god, and thus he becomes more stubborn in wanting to be independent.

    However, with that said, Seth doesn't want any help and needs to learn to accept some help because he can't do it alone, unfortunately as I mentioned earlier. Calling him uncle isn't a big deal, to gods who aren't human it's natural, I think for Horus it's just a term of respect, endearment, and yet another thing that shows his desperation to be close to Seth, emotionally and physically.

    Anyway, so now about the Lore which is WAY MORE FASCINATING THAN I COULD HAVE EVER IMAGINED! Idk if you've heard of the hieroglyphs and the story behind them. But the author has been hiding spoilers in the hieroglyphs of the story. Many many things have happened in S2 that were in the hieroglyphs of S1.

    One of the biggest things is that Horus had a past life and the fandom decided to call him Horus the Elder (HTE.) Horus and Seth were brothers and Seth killed him. Isis took HTE's ashes and put them in her belly/womb and forgot, so when she had a child with Osiris, it can to be the current Horus.

    The questions to this: why did everyone forget? How does no one know about HTE? Why did Seth kill him?

    In the lore, it says Seth was very upset and Nephthys was with Seth and comforted him.. Perhaps, she really did love him and decided that for peace, she would be with him, thus explaining why she did end up marrying him.

    In the lore it says Ra wants to consume HTE to gain power. It says Ra loves Hathor romantically, and when Hathor loved a human that she wanted to become human, and Ra made it possible. Something happened that Ra became jealous and created the mirror. Don't quote me on that though. I'd have to go back and look.

    In the lore it says Seth will feel betrayed or hurt by Horus after falling in love with him. Seth will gouge out his eyes. In mythology so much of this stuff did happen this way, and Thot healed Horus eye. In this story, it's believed if this happens, Horus will remember his past life.

    In this story it says Horus will almost marry Hathor. (we hope it's Seth who stops it)

    Here are some links to the translation to the hieroglyphs, read up on some of this mythology because it's all so fascinating and it gives us clues of what might happen!

    Mwahaminimi August 25, 2024 4:43 pm

    Idk if you knew all of this, but I decided to tell you in case you didn't know.

    Mwahaminimi August 25, 2024 4:55 pm

    Sorry about some grammer errors. English isn't my first language. Also, I get too excited and forget to go back and check my auto corrects and correct them.
    One thing I wanna correct:
    "Horus knows what it's like to be a demigod. Unfortunately, Seth doesn't have any blessings from any god, so that makes him an especially weak demigod. Unlike Seth, *Horus knows what it's like to be sick and weak, and to* Seth it's all foreign."

    Also, with all of Horus' imperfections I think it gives him room to grow, and /if/ and /when/ he remembers about his past life and possibly becomes a god, he will be matured and grown.

    riss August 26, 2024 1:15 am
    Bare with me for this is very long:This story isn't an enemies to lovers. That's what Seth thinks, until Horus clarifies that he was never his enemy, and only fought him because of his mother. When has Seth see... Mwahaminimi

    Thank you for sharing, and don't worry about any errors, I understood it all very well.

    One main thing I noticed in S2 literally comes from Ch166, when Horus grabs the jewel and Seth calls him an idiot, both in his head and to Horus's face. That's what sparked my initial comment because it makes it obvious that the level of maturity and experience the two have are vastly different. It introduces a weird power dynamic to the ship that not many people discuss, likely because Horus is an infant by comparison.

    That said, you're definitely correct about the intricacies of Egyptian mythology. Like many other old religions, it is riddled with incest; that doesn't mean I have to like it, or that it should be retold this way.

    When the author is clearly picking and choosing which parts of the myths to portray accurately, I don't see a reason why they should continue the incestuous nature of the ship by having Horus call Seth 'Uncle'. It could be harmless, but it could also be like a 'daddy' kink– I'm praying we both agree that would be weird.

    Now, to be frank... I'm uncertain what to make of having Horus be Seth's brother in a past life. That is wholly dependent on whether Horus and Seth remember or are aware of that; if they do, then being willing to fuck your brother will actually cause me to drop this story, despite how wonderful the plot is and how gorgeous our lord and savior Jezeus is.

    Mwahaminimi August 28, 2024 6:26 am

    "It introduces a weird power dynamic," interesting you say that because I didn't see that way. I just saw it as Horus being careless and impulsive, and that matches and is consistent with his so far character. He is hundreds of years younger than Seth, but they're gods and demigods, they're rules don't apply to human standards.
    Seth calling him an idiot is not any different from me calling my partner an idiot for thinking mixing each with ammonia to clean is a good idea.

    I think keeping the incest is just being consistent with and wanting to keep it as close to the mythology as well because that's the story people know them as. Horus and Seth being brothers in the past is no different from Isis marrying Osiris and Seth marrying Nephthys and all of them being siblings. It's a weird concept and if I stop and think about it too hard, it is very weird and I get the heebeegeebeez. But I just have to remember it's about mythological gods that humans created with stories that involved incest. People are weird and their imaginations are weird.

    ANYWAY! I think Horus calling Seth "uncle" all the time is, one, the author using Korean language and culture to mesh a little with the story and that's a whole discussion on language and terms of respect etc. But I think it also reflects Horus' desperate attempt to want to be close to Seth. Seth finds him annoying, but is finding out that he like his presence. He has a childish, less serious nature, to him many times, and it makes Horus kinda cute sometimes. Lol. However, Horus doesn't give Seth a pass for his sins and instead is there to hold Seth up when he's all alone in the world and always has. It takes a certain kind of character to be loyal and stubborn enough to stay despite being pushed away over and over.

    Seth hates being seen as weak, but he's been alone bearing his feelings alone by bottling them up inside. Horus is facilitating and making Seth open up more and share his feelings.

    If you want to drop the story and stick to your thoughts and opinions of this story, by all means, do so. :) I was just sharing some things and seeing if perhaps it would change your views on the story after I had pondered it for hours and hours. Lol

    Have a good day though.

    riss August 31, 2024 6:03 am
    "It introduces a weird power dynamic," interesting you say that because I didn't see that way. I just saw it as Horus being careless and impulsive, and that matches and is consistent with his so far character. ... Mwahaminimi

    Thank you, just wanted to let you know that I'm too fatigued to continue replying, but I've read through your response and really appreciated this discourse :)

riss August 24, 2024 6:02 am

jail, and i mean literally. send his ass (and the author's) straight to the slammer.

    FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SPOILERS! August 24, 2024 11:21 am

    You'll have to report the author to the authorities first tho. And good luck with that!

    liv August 24, 2024 4:09 pm
    You'll have to report the author to the authorities first tho. And good luck with that! FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SPOILERS!

    are you mentally stable

    FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SPOILERS! August 24, 2024 6:23 pm

    Dumbass, STFU.

    FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SPOILERS! August 24, 2024 6:24 pm
    are you mentally stable liv

    Dumbass, STFU.

    Qwerty20 August 24, 2024 11:06 pm
    are you mentally stable liv

    Thid person is not , likes rapepy scenes. Whenever ppl comments about nonconsent in yaoi this person swears at them.

    Basically a troll don't indulge them.

    Zephy August 25, 2024 8:37 pm
    are you mentally stable liv

    Don't bother, they're openly defending those stories that include rape in it and acting like it's a normal thing to have so no they're not

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