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BLmonger April 9, 2019 1:07 am

Thank you translators <3

BLmonger March 17, 2019 11:57 pm

Thoughts after reading the first two chapter: What? This doesn't really make sense, but since the plot was so unexpected, I'll give it a go.

Thoughts after reading the entire volume: I finally realized what plagued me about this comic. The artist is really good at coming up with new ideas and concepts, but she is fatally awkward with emotions.
The secondary relationship between the bodyguard and the teacher felt super forced, it's as if someone was trying to shove food down my throat, just STOP, I can't swallow this pile of ZERO emotional build-up cliche, not to mention how their personality was so bland it's painful. In all honesty the main protagonist wasn't too interesting either, the mismatch between his appearance and personality was probably the most attractive part about him, and yet some of the things he say or do was just so out of character (I don't think the author really know Tecchan that well), it ended up rubbing me the wrong way.

Four words : Good concept, lifeless characters. (except Tecchan's bf)

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Hard core Bl reader (BL is life).  I love me some young Seme, sick and twisted and any thang with a good plot.

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