We’re fucking winning this year with the sub men/dom women trope. We no longer have to starve. I understand that ppl like dom men/sub women but it’s so annoying to not have this kinda content for the dom baddies. My stomach will no longer hit my back because I have been fed by the author gods

I got you
-Missing o (one of the sides characters are fem)
-The virgin witch (includes pegging)
-Will today’s sex be successful?
Just give it to me
The sirens cradle (I’m kinda iffy on it tbh)
Domestic wolf
Tales of a travelers journey
Strap on girl and b##ch boy
Bend over, darling.
Is it wrong to get done by a girl?
Lady & maid
If I had the chance, I want to warp my boyfriends fetishes
Idakasetekudadai futaba-san
Taming my boss with sex
-Sadistic Secretary and Masochistic President
-hardcore vanilla
I Go to the Podium and Do Everything I'm Told to Do
The emperors erection project

Something’s wrong with 175 and 176. It’s super zoomed in on most parts, even zooming out doesn’t do anything to help. And fuck the mom. Glad havi got out of that but she’s just treating everyone like shit, especially yul. The amount of forced parts is sick. Although, they do have nice moments, havi is way too forceful. But if it’s working out for them then wtv I guess
The mom is bothering me. Your daughter is an adult. She can make her own decisions. Same with everyone trying to marry her off to that guy she’s expressed MULTIPLE TIMES that she doesn’t like him. I love the mcs but the rest is just too annoying to deal with
True, and don’t forget the fact that the mother said she would give her daughter’s hand to anyone who said they loved her… I can’t wait to see when the mother will step aside from the story.
......Sigh.......Since when will you guys get it through your skulls that this story is in setting of a different era, different culture, different principles and morals, different belief system and different education.....Mom is acting like A MOM FROM THEIR CURRENT TIME. SHE'S WORRIED. SHE ONLY HAS ONE KID AND SHE WANTS HER ONE BABY TO BE HAPPY. SHE WANTS SOMEONE WHO WILL TRULY CHERISH HER (unfortunately the one guy in the village who claims to really love her AINT HER TYPE beggars cant be choosers ya know even though Anna clearly dont like him she still considered him a candidate for marriage despite her feelings for him which she has ALSO SAID MULTIPLE TIMES WHILE TALKING TO BERTRAM) . Don't know what mom issues you got irl but stop projecting and look at it from the prospective of all angles not just your own. I hate my own mother too but I give her her credit where it's due.
And if you can see it clearly she's realized she may have effed up teaching her kid somewhere because she's noticed Anna is cynical towards love. She's realized that teaching her not to be so gung-ho about love may have screwed up Anna's ability to accept and fall in love or be in denial towards love. Mom is still learning how to be a mom so get off her dick will ya? ( ⩌⤚⩌)
Bro. I’m just venting in the comments. I get that it’s a different time. Doesn’t make it any less annoying
Yeah I know dude I'm just using your comment as way to to talk to others who have your same copy and paste venting. YOU. ARE THE CHOSEN!!! ก(꒪꒪)ก
Lmao (≧∀≦)!!
Imma poop on your top lip fr
Valid crash out. ⚆_⚆