zamiac March 4, 2025 1:53 am

At this point, Ed gonna have to marry all three or be single forever to avoid the world ending. They not letting him go.

I still prefer Lucy being a little sister though.

zamiac February 14, 2025 8:18 pm

I kinda have a hard time sympathizing with the MC. This may be insensitive, but she treats and carries herself like she believes she is the most unfortunate person in the room. A prime example of this can be seen when we are learning the back story of the ML. He was literally physically and emotionally abused by his father since birth, traumatized by being sent to fight in a war at young age, further traumatized by seeing all of his friends die, pushed off a cliff by his brother, and stigmatized by the entire kingdom all his life. The MC actually tries to compare what she went through to his trauma! I don't mean to diminish her experience, but most of her heartache came from trying to date all the men she knew the ogfl dated in the game. Was there really no one else? It seems the bracelet only works on the men the ogfl dated in the game which is why the ML seems to be unaffected.

While it is not hard to see why the MC is sad, the sympathy I am supposed to feel naturally for her feels forced on me. Like the author is screaming pity her pity her. During the scene where the wolf tells her she has been through a lot, I could only think that compared to the main characters in other stories, the ML in this story, and the commoners in any story (keep in mind kids are being kidnapped for experiments in this story), she has lived a pretty decent life. She has wealth, status, and loving parents. If she went to her parents for ideas and used her 21st century knowledge, I am sure she could have turned some of the rumors around.

The MC can also be a little insensitive at times. She clearly hurt the ML and his brother's feelings. I believe this is why the ML said no to marrying her that day. Although she had some points when it came to status being a barrier, she casually degraded and ridiculed the ML's brother for wanted to stop the rumors. If it wasn't for some weird grand plan to keep the MC by his side, I would have understood why the ML's brother left.

    Lizzie February 20, 2025 11:31 pm


    Adam February 21, 2025 2:56 am

    I don't quite agree with these misery olympics you're putting on. The "someone else's suffering was worse so you how can you feel so hurt" mindset is so wack.
    Why do people need to reach some kind of misery threshold to be worthy of sympathy?

    zamiac February 21, 2025 4:53 am
    I don't quite agree with these misery olympics you're putting on. The "someone else's suffering was worse so you how can you feel so hurt" mindset is so wack.Why do people need to reach some kind of misery thre... Adam

    I think you are misunderstanding me. I may not have explained my thoughts clearly enough. My point was that rather than letting us feel sympathy naturally, it feels that we are being constantly reminded that we should feel sympathy, even when we are learning about the backstory of someone else. The constant reminder to pity the MC, in my opinion, comes up at inopportune times. It's like if you were telling someone your problems and they always managed to find a way to make it about themselves or their problems. After a while, although you still feel bad about what they went through, you are no longer as sympathetic. Of course, all this is just my opinion. I could be wrong. I read a lot of stories in a day, so I could be looking too into things or not into things enough. This is just how it came off to me. I wish I could explain better.

zamiac January 27, 2025 9:36 am

What's up with MC's letting really bad characters go without any repercussions for their evil deeds? These characters kill thousands if not million and get away scotch free because the MC feels a little bad for them. The princess tortured and killed so many innocent people. Imagine how many homes were broken and how many families couldn't bury let alone say goodbye to their loved ones because of her. The dead couldn't rest in peace. Households probably lost their primary providers. In the past, Roel lost everything even his sister because of her. But, because her father hurt her mom, she gets a pass while thousands of commoners, who had nothing to do with her family's internal conflict, die without justice. She is just as bad as her father, especially because she had no remorse. She would not have made a good empress in my opinion.

zamiac January 13, 2025 12:16 pm

Yay it's back. I love this story. I know some people don't like the emperor because they think he is not doing anything, but I like him. He is literally providing the resources and play ground for Lass to get her revenge. He also knows from experience that Lass wants the pleasure of getting revenge herself, so he is taking a step back. Lass has also stated that she wants to do certain things herself. If she were in another empire or kingdom, I don't think a typical ruler would have allowed her to do half the things she has done or given her so much power. I like their dynamic. He was also the only person to truely recognize and offer help to her in her past life despite being an enemy. More than anyone and before anyone, he saw her as a potential equal. That's part of the chemistry.

It's kinda funny because I have read stories where people complained about the FL overly relying on the ML to complete what was supposed to be her revenge. In this story, however, some people are dissatisfied with the ML for the opposite reason. To me, this story stands out from other stories.

    Odinh January 20, 2025 7:48 pm

    I agree. He’s not useless, but Lass is so good so he is simply not needed. Can’t show yourself off when you’re elsewhere lol. He lets her have her fun and revenge without question because he trusts her and I love that

zamiac December 23, 2024 8:28 pm

This may be an unpopular opinion. I am not that far into the story, but, from what I have read so far, the only true trash in this story seems to be the emperess's father. The emperor ignores, overly suspects, and talks bad to the empress. He is a bad husband to her without question, but I can't see many people doing things different if they were to take his place. In fact, if this story was retold from the perspective of the emperor with little background on the empress revealed until later, most people would understand why he treats her like an enemy rather than a wife. Does this make it right, absolutely not, but it makes the emperor realistic and reasonable. The man who destroyed my life, kidnapped me, and killed members of my family is making me marry his daughter against my will. The same daughter who publicly announced that she would discipline me. Yeah, there would be no princess/queen treatment. This makes things very unfortunate for the empress who can't directly reveal what is truely going on. I hope they can work things out or peacefully go their separate ways. They are both victims in a way. Revenge against anyone besides the empress's father seems pointless.

zamiac December 17, 2024 2:40 pm

I feel so bad for the children who thought they were being adopted. I know that Leo is in shock and wants to her everything for Connie, but I hope that she didn't just brush off everything he said. I hope she said some comforting words before parting. It must have been hard for him to talk about what happened him. Those kids at the orphanage have been though a lot. I hope they get the help they did.

    Darkhikari December 17, 2024 6:05 pm

    No she won't probably be brushef off since Connie wants to make her feel hell ( not yhat its really Leo fault)...

    zamiac December 17, 2024 7:20 pm
    No she won't probably be brushef off since Connie wants to make her feel hell ( not yhat its really Leo fault)... Darkhikari

    I think you misunderstood me. I meant I hope Leo didn't brush Yuben off. It must have been pretty difficult for him to talk about what happened to himself. Although it was shocking, I hope Leo didn't just leave making him feel like she didn't believe him or didn't care. I hope she said some words of comfort before she left.

    Darkhikari December 17, 2024 7:39 pm
    I think you misunderstood me. I meant I hope Leo didn't brush Yuben off. It must have been pretty difficult for him to talk about what happened to himself. Although it was shocking, I hope Leo didn't just leave... zamiac

    Well she wasn't in a state of mind stable enought to think of orhers ...anf to tell him dont worry i believe all will be fine

    zamiac December 17, 2024 9:42 pm
    Well she wasn't in a state of mind stable enought to think of orhers ...anf to tell him dont worry i believe all will be fine Darkhikari

    I know she might not have been in an emotionally stable place which is why I don't think anyone will hold it against her. Still, I can only imagine what Yuben was feeling. He already had to keep quiet to maintain peace. Being brushed off after confessing what happened to him would have been devastating. I just hope someone gave him words of comfort.

zamiac December 1, 2024 6:21 am

I know Leo needed to hear the truth, but having secret conversation where you go into detail about the things a person is not supposed to overhear in a place where they can overhear is crazy. People love to gossip. She wouldn't have overheard if they just went on about their business. I am sure they already had the conversation before she arrived. Why have it again while she is still there. With that logic, it's only a matter of time before the other kids learn the truth, assuming they don't already know.

zamiac November 28, 2024 1:08 pm

I never understood why characters would get so obsessed with keeping the story the same when they already interfered and changed the story. Whether you do leave or stay, there will be a butterfly affect. Also, the characters are no longer a book. You can't force your idea of a happy ending on them. They have their own thoughts, opinions, and goals and have the right to change them even if it doesn't align with the original story you read. I like the story, but them wanting to keep an original "happy ending" where he never falls in love kinda irritated me. A story where only the princess is happy doesn't sound too happy ending to me. If the crown prince so happened to fall in love with another woman, would they be mad at him for ruining the perfect "happy ending"? Even if he didn't fall in love with someone, it wouldn't be because a book said so. Don't dictate someone else life. To them it is not a story. Use the story you know as a draft, not a prophecy. It's not like you can know everything about someone from a book. Sorry for the rant.

    Missy52 December 12, 2024 1:56 am

    Omg yes! This has always annoyed me. Like why are they always so dead set on "sticking to the novel" and saying "they ruined the book." Like y r u there in the first place? Why were u even put in their body? Ur a different person. It's common sense it'll be different. If it was "supposed to be like the original novel" y didn't the original person just stay in their body? It makes no sense to me.

    zamiac December 12, 2024 7:20 pm
    Omg yes! This has always annoyed me. Like why are they always so dead set on "sticking to the novel" and saying "they ruined the book." Like y r u there in the first place? Why were u even put in their body? Ur... Missy52


    zamiac December 12, 2024 7:39 pm
    Omg yes! This has always annoyed me. Like why are they always so dead set on "sticking to the novel" and saying "they ruined the book." Like y r u there in the first place? Why were u even put in their body? Ur... Missy52

    I also noticed that they want the stroy to stay the exact same while taking opportunities away from essential characters. Or they majorly impact a character's life (e.g., by become a spouse, a savior, or a business partner) but expect the story to get back on track after they leave. You being born as the character already changed the story. Unless you become an exact replica of the character you were reborn as, there is no way of ensuring everything remains the same. Even leaving the country might change things.

zamiac October 14, 2024 10:03 pm

I'm not that far in the story yet, but based on what was I read in chapter 6 and 23, the mc's wife was cheating on him with other women! He just let that go! She really tried to act pitiful by saying she was deceived by a man in the past, and now, she was deceived by the woman she was cheating with. The only response the MC gave was that he wouldn't let anyone hurt her anymore. Like bro. It's implied that she was cheating for a while all while never being intimate with her own husband. That makes her and her family falsely accusing the MC of cheating with the assistant even more ridiculous. The audacity of cheaters. Her and her family also talked down to the MC and used him for years! They are hypocrites. Why is he not calling them out?

zamiac October 9, 2024 2:16 pm

I feel so bad for her, but I also feel a little conflicted. It was implied that she and other people ruined the lives and careers of other actors and actresses by finding, exposing, and making weaknesses for them. I hope those actors and actresses get justice, too. Who knows how and where they ended up, especially the ones who chose not to give in and faced the same slander/treatment for something they weren't involved in.

    happyguy October 9, 2024 10:23 pm

    Thank you !thats right.

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