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zamiac December 17, 2024 2:40 pm

I feel so bad for the children who thought they were being adopted. I know that Leo is in shock and wants to her everything for Connie, but I hope that she didn't just brush off everything he said. I hope she said some comforting words before parting. It must have been hard for him to talk about what happened him. Those kids at the orphanage have been though a lot. I hope they get the help they did.

    Darkhikari December 17, 2024 6:05 pm

    No she won't probably be brushef off since Connie wants to make her feel hell ( not yhat its really Leo fault)...

zamiac December 1, 2024 6:21 am

I know Leo needed to hear the truth, but having secret conversation where you go into detail about the things a person is not supposed to overhear in a place where they can overhear is crazy. People love to gossip. She wouldn't have overheard if they just went on about their business. I am sure they already had the conversation before she arrived. Why have it again while she is still there. With that logic, it's only a matter of time before the other kids learn the truth, assuming they don't already know.

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