SosoFr's experience ( All 0 )

SosoFr's answer ( All 17 )

about question
Puberty. Srly i think its the same : boredom out of classic heterosexual romance   reply
20 days
Same here ! Can't really remember why but rather how. I know it started in middle school (the equivalent of 7th grade i guess), when i watched compilations of TLOZ (Link x Ghirahim idkw) Fanarts on youtube and slowly drifted towards yaoi in the same video format. I remember that i liked the fordidden aspect of a gay relationship, found it a tad mor......   reply
05 01,2025
about question
Heck yeah good riddance. I'm a french student and i can tell you dirigeants literally moved sh*t over so Paris looks "nice" for JO. They even "nicely" asked students on financial help (CROUS) to move further away from their CROUS apartment to house volonteers and security. That's literally bullshit. It's already difficult to get one of those and k......   reply
26 07,2024
about question
I'm French and actually i don't really know which are our stereotypes, or at least i'm not especially aware... I can just tell you that yes : la baguette/pain (=bread) is a must for every meal. It's usual to eat croissants on Sunday like to end the week on a good note. AND although croissant stuffed with jam or whatever seems tasty... please DO......   5 reply
29 05,2021
Of course i'm drooling over buffy sexy guys (that's eyecandy !) But deep down my ideal type would be cute and funny. I think it would not last of the other have a really opposite personnality to mine. Too bad they are rare af   1 reply
02 05,2021

SosoFr's question ( All 4 )

about question
I don't know about you but it's been 3 DAYS that i can't go on the website ?!
Has it been shut down ??
01 02,2021
I'm really stressed these days bc of homework and approching exam, and even if i'm back in quarantine with my family i still miss my friends

SO !!!!!!!!!!!!! ヾ(☆▽☆)

For the people who are stressed, sad, depressed... or just bored !

Throw your best and/or most laughable picture, image, meme... even written jokes if you don't have images (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
Right here below

Let's go laugh our ass out ! (ノ≧∇≦)ノ
12 11,2020
I was curious about names and how they are different from a country to an other.
My name is Solène, pronounced [Solan] (with the english pronunciation).
There are no perticular meaning but it's close to being solemn. ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~
08 06,2020
I'm starting to see this often in yaoi : the tag "wholesome". I know "whole" sort of mean full / entire, in my language (i'm french). But even if i searched for definitions i can't find the exact and clear meaning of this word.
So can someone please explain it to me with their own words ??┗( T﹏T )┛
13 05,2020

People are doing

did read manga

Maybe I've been desensitised but I've seen worse tbh although I can't deny it's also really bad but the not the worse out there

5 hours
did read manga

I was sexually abused when I was 7. I'm twisted and I like to imagine myself as the Shota. I find some comfort in it.

7 hours
did masturbated to yaoi


17 hours