Ok, I am really confused.
The new blond fairy boy is the reencarnation of a past soldier, and the fairy king is also a reencarnation of another soldier, who was friends with the blond fairy guy.
My question is, the blond fairy guy is Soha or the other soldier?
And, in this chapter where they guys are humans, who is who?
I am really sorry but I find both soldiers really similiar, although one is taller than the other.
I really appreciate if anyone could anwser me. (⌒▽⌒)

The "soul" of the soldier/Hweeun (I think that's his true name) has entered the blond's body somehow after Hweeun "died". The king has not reincarnated and is the same Soha as the one the soldier/Hweeun befriended in the past. Hweeun as the blond goblin uses Soha's name (the King's true name). But he is now the King (known as Geon) and uses magic to conceal the color of his eyes (from purple to gold because only kings have golden eyes) and hair (black to white) to hide that he is a halfbreed between a human and a goblin.
The king (the true Soha) was a half goblin when we first see him in the manhwa and Hweeun (now known as the blond named Soha) was human with golden eyes of a goblin king.
The king has preserved Hweeun's body and hopes that his soul will be brought back.

To clarify:
Hweeun (the soldier) has wavy dark hair and golden eyes and is human.
Hweeun reincarnated as a goblin (who calls himself "Soha") has blonde hair and blue eyes.
Soha (the soldier who protected the border to the Goblin territory and is now the GoblinKing) has straight dark hair and purple eyes. He is half human and half goblin.
Soha as the King has white hair and golden eyes. Only kings have golden eyes. Which is why the true Soha (now the King) is so surprised to see a human (Hweeun) with those eyes.

Fujoshi girl has all the good intentions in her heart and in her actions, but she is totally a disaster. I would love to be her, but I wouldn't interfere as much as she does. Of course I would give some advice, but the main and most important part has to be done b y Li Huan and YuYang.
Manga is really cute, but real world doesn't work like this. Yuyang and Li Huan are not only some fiction boys, they represent what real boys feel when they are in love and when they are scared about confessing.
You can't expect that from reading a manga you are a totally expert of relationshis, if this was true, the world would be really easy and boring.
Despite this, I don't hate the girl, but she is making their relationship more difficult.

I didn't like Dojin's comment... (︶︿︶)
I am refering when Dojin was thinking that Hye was luck to be found in his first heat by him because if not Hye would had have a lot of babies and he wouldn't even know who the father was.
I mean, it's true that heat changes a lot both Omegas and Alphas, but I find this comment degrading. Male alphas have heat too, but they can do whatever they want because they can't get pregnant, so they can sleep with whoever they want while omegas are always being judge and treated as only sluts. Dojin's comment would only be spoke by male alphas, while omegas couldn't say it because alphas are at the top of the piramid, they can't be judge.
I am not 100% sure if male alphas can or can't get pregnant, but I hope you will understand the meaning.
This case of alphas and omegas being judge is the same as our own world. Men can sleep with whoever they want, they could have 1000 girlfriends and they would be treated as heros; while women are always and constantly judge. If they wear make-up, what type of clothes they wear, if they had 1 boyfriend they are inmediatly a slut, if they talk about masturbation, if they say they watch porn... Well that's the idea.
Only telling my opinion, please don't kill me ( ̄∇ ̄")

I mean it's true, if u see how hysung is during his heat then u will understand. He is driven by his heat, he doesn't care who he does,as long as he does it. At least it's with Dijon who clearly cares for him and doesn't want to end up hurting him again. Heck,he even endured enough to out on a condom, I wish there was a guy like that in real life.

Well, red hair guy seem the typical rich guy who was born with a spoon (as uncle said) and seems to me that he doesn't know how to respect both girls and boys in every ambity. I mean, he talks about girls as if they were toys and he was playing with 3 of them; and later telling uncle that gay are promiscuous...
The good thing, is that he is going to change his mind with uncle because uncle is a good man (⌒▽⌒)

A manhwa which started like a normal BL and still was good, the art is beautiful and personally is the best one.
Second season, starts drama and connections and secrets are known...
I really loved this manhwa and I would like Clarju to do a manhwa centering on the second couple and maybe make a little chapters for the guy with glasses in which he is happier.

OK, I try to understand every character perspective, but with the main character I CAN'T ヽ(`Д´)ノ
I accept that not everyone has to think or feel the same way, I mean, when he heard dad's biological son saying he couldn't believe protagnist's situation; but, really? Did you have to ruin a person who really LOVED you? I don't mean love in a sexual way, just love.
I really don't understand you. Ok, you could see him being bullied, but at some point didn't you ask yourself: do this little boy, my classmate, and the only friend I had deserve what I have done?
Protagonist did a lot of bad decissions, but dad's biological son friends also did. You see your friend in need and you only say: sorry, I can't or I maybe next time? WTF i with you!
It reallly hit me when dad'd biological son said: Are you here to help me?
He was so innocent... Still, protagonist KILLED him, he pushed him into the fire. WHAT TYPE OF PERSON DOES THIS? ARE YOU EVEN A PERSON?
Not he only murdered an innocent guy, brcause you know, you father is an asshole and well, I wouldn't mind if you kill him, but the only person who cared about you?
And he didn't only do this, he didn't give his time to a student with problems.
If you are in love with you dad, ok, but don't ruin the lifes of the rest.
Sorry for the people who don't think the same

I think I am bad person because I really feel sorry for Sangwoo ╥﹏╥
Of course there are people who is born as illness person, but I think that Sangwoo was a happy child until his mother got worst at her illness. I understand she was ill, but the father should have let her in a permanent hospital. If this had happened, Sangwoo's mother wouldn't have tried to kill her son and so on.
Of course, if all the things that occured in the manhwa didn't happen, this manhwa shouldn't exist, but I believe that there will be a better version of their lifes.
Bum didn't have a future, he was really sick and obsessed with Sangwoo...
OMG when I read the lady's testimony... She KILLED Sangwoo beacuase he was calling for BUM!!! Is there something more sad than this? ┗( T﹏T )┛
I really want they meet in another world, a better world.

Gosh, I am reading this manhwa because I started it a years before and I didn't find it till today, but I am really dissapointed. I didn't remember everything, but MC is really lazy and stupid. Man, 3 or 4 years studying and you didn't enter in a school becuase all of them didn't accept you due to your horrible grades!!!
WTF are you doing with your life? Of course studying is not all and you can search for other ways of living, but if you really want to enter that university, don't waste your time, and don't waste your parent's money, becuase they really work hard to pay your studies and supplies.
I really can't stand this type of people who always fault other people such as your neighbour, or other stupid things! It's only your fault. Everything in life has a sacrifice, all the people and MC's friend entered a university or reached what they wanted because of their efforts while you are doing nothing!!!
Changing the topic, the blonde guy is really a posesive guy, I don't like him. Toxic relationships begins with these type of actitude and then, it ends in violence or even in death.
The girl is just... Another lazy person who thinks she can do whatever she wants because she is rich.
The teacher who is related to the blond guy also looks as a psycopath.
And MC's friend is really realistic, well, the only one. He really is patient, 3 or 4 years teaching MC and not getting results.

I love this comment so much! And honestly you're totally right about the friend being so realistic. That why he's my favorite character~ But I feel Like as if Mc knew that his boyfriend is a psychopath, he'll still go out with him. Welp in his current state, but after some serious character development , I feel that he may go with hyun in the end!ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
Wow I wanted to cry all along because this situation is really similar to mine with a friend. We have known each other since we were four and this year I will go to a new school and I am sure we won't be in touch as we do now because we haven't go out ths year except the day of my birthday and I really don't want this to happen ╥﹏╥
I really admire Haru and Makoto's relationship!!!