In a world where demi-beasts and humans co-exist, Riku Kurobuchi, a panther demi-beast, finds himsel...
- Author: Minomushi momonoki
- Genres: Yaoi / Smut
- Author: Namagomi
- Genres: Manga / Yaoi / Comedy / Delinquents / Romance / School Life Manga Comedy Delinquents Romance School Life
My cheeks were hurting, and then I realise that I was smiling so much, this was so cute and wholesome, though dying coz it was so short I needed it a bit lovely dovely at the end ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
Yoshino is gay, thirty, and definitely not flirty – he’s never even dated anyone. He see...
- Author: SUZUMARU Minta
- Genres: Romance / Smut / Yaoi
Shin is barely making ends meet, hustling as a rogue mechanic on the mean city streets. Problem is, ...
- Author: Kyo Woo
- Genres: Yaoi / Webtoons / Action / Drama
Shin is barely making ends meet, hustling as a rogue mechanic on the mean city streets. Problem is, ...
- Author: Kyo Woo
- Genres: Yaoi / Webtoons / Action / Drama
“Have you ever been to a backdoor sexual entertainment place?” Because of a brief comme...
- Author: U
- Genres: Comedy / Smut / Yaoi