Kanata is 1000 times, no 1000000 times better than Shuugo!!! The choice was clear and easy, then why...!?
I guess she's just an idiot!

Sorry for the late reply -_-'
Well in my opinion... even though Kanata had trouble in verbally expressing his feelings, his actions earnestly expressed his love for her.
Shuugo, however, just started interacting with her to piss off Kanata, in order to threw him off and lose the dispute between the two schools. In addition, he caused Hina almost getting raped twice and the second time she barely escaped intact (thanks to Kanata). That's an ultimate betrayal x 2 (which is unforgivable). And let's not forget that punch (What? Was that something like "The more you beat me, the more I love you" sort of thing?).
When she started dating Kanata, I'll be honest, I had my hopes up that everything would end up in the right track, but he was the one who ended up hurt the most and he didn't deserve that (he is my favorite character, a cute and honest bad boy).
I know love is an uncontrollable feeling, it arises when we least expect it (sometimes for someone we never thought of that way at first), but, in this case and even though she felt attracted to Shuugo, was it really love? (Because I can't shake off the idea of attraction + Stockholm Syndrome = "Love")
These are just my honest thoughts.
Sorry for the long post and thanks for putting up with me. (〜 ' ̄. ̄)〜
Even though I like the artwork I have one question... What the Hell did I just read????
Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)
Same here ヽ(`Д´)ノ