耶奥波亚 answered question about question
Not clicking on that
耶奥波亚 shared experience about got caught by mom
I keep seeing this bitch everywhere who is this?
耶奥波亚 answered question about question
耶奥波亚 answered question about question
I'm gonna assume you're having a child because thats too long for me to read
耶奥波亚 answered question about let's be positive
Can't y'all take your beef to the mailbox or something...but uh let me grab my popcorn
耶奥波亚 answered question about watch anime
It was not good in my opinion, most of the sex was forced. Edit: SHIT I THOUGHT YOU MEANT DAKERETAI OTOKO
耶奥波亚 asked a question

I need help finding a BL about a guy that works as a pharmacist and he helps a dude in a gang or wtv