This story kinda hits home for me...minus the s*x scenes. I hope spring doesn't bloom for me as well, because if it does, I know it will make me hopeful for something I couldn't have. I really understand the uke here not wanting to fall in love ever again too... :( it's just sad that we can be humiliated just because we like someone. Can't we be free to like someone? It hurts having to be judged for who we are and who we like. :'(

Being someone who experienced unrequited love for many times, I understand how Moogyeong never expected about anyone he likes. It's just a cycle of 'liking someone-waiting for the feelings to fade'. I actually cried at that moment when he said to Yohan that he doesn't have feelings for him cause he doesn't want Yohan to feel disgusted or to freak out...
Anyway, I'm so happy for them. I'm happy that their love finally got requited. I hope that their love will grow more and more. :)

"Turns out, if someone likes you, no matter how petite you are, they can always find yoy in a crowd." This is so sweet...
but I beg to differ. I'm 24, 146cm.
How can someone even notice me when I'm not even in other people's line of sight? Everyone around me is so tall and I really get this inferiority complex even to those younger than me. I always feel like I don't deserve tall guys because I look like a child beside them... I like tall guys but I guess the idea of "short girls are perfect for tall guys" isn't for me.
Anyway, the story is really so cute...kinda gives me hope. Hehehehe...
I'm so excited for the live action!!!!!! my baby Masaki Yabe will have an appearance Go for BL, Masaki
what live action??
They're going to make it a movie
It's actually series not movie. Here's some link about it (but it's in Japanese) https://www.oricon.co.jp/news/2184779/?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=social&ref_cd=tw
They just recently announce so I think we have to wait for a while
In the article, it says March 27 :0